The spaces in which every prime -ideal of is either minimal or maximal are characterized. By this characterization, it turns out that for a large class of topological spaces , such as metric spaces, basically disconnected spaces and one-point compactifications of discrete spaces, every prime -ideal in is either minimal or maximal. We will also answer the following questions: When is every nonregular prime ideal in a -ideal? When is every nonregular (prime) -ideal in a -ideal? For...
An ideal I in a commutative ring R is called a z°-ideal if I consists of zero divisors and for each a ∈ I the intersection of all minimal prime ideals containing a is contained in I. We characterize topological spaces X for which z-ideals and z°-ideals coincide in , or equivalently, the sum of any two ideals consisting entirely of zero divisors consists entirely of zero divisors. Basically disconnected spaces, extremally disconnected and P-spaces are characterized in terms of z°-ideals. Finally,...
Let be the socle of C(X). It is shown that each prime ideal in is essential. For each h ∈ C(X), we prove that every prime ideal (resp. z-ideal) of C(X)/(h) is essential if and only if the set Z(h) of zeros of h contains no isolated points (resp. int Z(h) = ∅). It is proved that , where dim C(X) denotes the Goldie dimension of C(X), and the inequality may be strict. We also give an algebraic characterization of compact spaces with at most a countable number of nonisolated points. For each essential...
In this article we define the -topology on some rings of quotients of . Using this, we equip the classical ring of quotients of with the -topology and we show that with the -topology is in fact a subspace of with the -topology. Characterization of the components of rings of quotients of is given and using this, it turns out that with the -topology is connected if and only if is a pseudocompact almost -space, if and only if with -topology is connected. We also observe that...
We prove that a Hausdorff space is locally compact if and only if its topology coincides with the weak topology induced by . It is shown that for a Hausdorff space , there exists a locally compact Hausdorff space such that . It is also shown that for locally compact spaces and , if and only if . Prime ideals in are uniquely represented by a class of prime ideals in . -compact spaces are introduced and it turns out that a locally compact space is -compact if and only if every...
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