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L and L-estimates with a local weight for the ∂-equation on convex domains in C.

Francesc Tugores — 1992

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We construct a defining function for a convex domain in C that we use to prove that the solution-operator of Henkin-Romanov for the ∂-equation is bounded in L and L-norms with a weight that reflects not only how near the point is to the boundary of the domain but also how convex the domain is near the point. We refine and localize the weights that Polking uses in [Po] for the same type of domains because they depend only on the Euclidean distance to the boudary and don't take into account the geometry...

Interpolation of bounded sequences

Francesc Tugores — 2010

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper deals with an interpolation problem in the open unit disc 𝔻 of the complex plane. We characterize the sequences in a Stolz angle of 𝔻 , verifying that the bounded sequences are interpolated on them by a certain class of not bounded holomorphic functions on 𝔻 , but very close to the bounded ones. We prove that these interpolating sequences are also uniformly separated, as in the case of the interpolation by bounded holomorphic functions.

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