CONTENTSIntroduction........................................................................................................6I. Quaternionic regular and biregular functions in the sense of Fueter..............9 1. Introduction................................................................................................9 2. Fueter derivative and regular functions.....................................................10 3. Quaternionic partial derivatives.................................................................12 4....
We study several techniques which are well known in the case of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and extend them to spaces with dominating mixed smoothness. We use the ideas of Triebel to prove three important decomposition theorems. We deal with so-called atomic, subatomic and wavelet decompositions. All these theorems have much in common. Roughly speaking, they say that a function f belongs to some function space (say ) if, and only if, it can be decomposed as
, convergence in S’,
with coefficients...
It is shown that Fueter regular functions appear in connection with the Eells condition for harmonicity. New conditions for mappings from 4-dimensional conformally flat manifolds to be harmonic are obtained.
For a given Hurwitz pair the existence of a bilinear mapping (where and ) denote the Clifford algebras of the quadratic forms and , respectively) generated by the Hurwitz multiplication “o” is proved and the counterpart of the Hurwitz condition on the Clifford algebra level is found. Moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition for "⭑" to be generated by the Hurwitz multiplication is shown.
Using the fundamental notions of the quaternionic analysis we show that there are no 4-dimensional almost Kähler manifolds which are locally conformally flat with a metric of a special form.
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