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Stanisław Domoradzki — 2016

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Dear Readers,Here is the 10th volume of the Series VI of the "Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego" (Annals of the Polish Mathematical Society)-- Antiquitates Mathematicae, a journal devoted to history of mathematics. We are offering  for reading 13 texts in 5 sections.

Mathematical works in annual reports of gymnasiums in Galicia

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2009

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Prace matematyczne w sprawozdaniach gimnazjów galicyjskichKazde sprawozdanie szkolne składało sie z dwóch czesci: urzedowej i naukowej. Ponizej przedstawiona jest lista prac dotyczacych matematyki, nauczania i historii matematyki. Publikacje te odegrały duza role jako istotny element kształtowania kultury matematycznej na ziemiach polskich w drugiej połowie XIX i na poczatku XX wieku. Every annual report is consisted from two parts: the official and scientific one.In the article, there are presented...


Stanisław Domoradzki — 2015

Antiquitates Mathematicae

We place in the hands of our Readers a subsequent volume of the journal Antiquitates Mathematicae (Annals of the Polish Mathematical Society, Series VI). The journalhas been published since the year 2007. Since 2014 we also function in an electronic form on the journal portal of the Polish Mathematical Society (PTM).

Mathematical Society in L'viv

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2010

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Numerous scientific societies worked in Lviv, in the period of autonomy. They were associated with the University, or Polytechnical School (formerly University of Lviv) by professors, but on the basis of their statutes  (approved in Vienna) operate independently. It is worth noting that the consent of the Austrian authorities it was  not a simple matter. Polish Mathematical Society in Lviv arose quite late in relation to other societies, in 1917. Some mathematicians led scientific and organizational...

On a book Karl Löwner and his Student Lipman Bers – Pre-war Prague Mathematicians by M. Bečvářová & I. Netuka

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2015

Antiquitates Mathematicae

The present text consists of reflections about the book Karl Löwner and his Student Lipman Bers – Pre-war Prague Mathematicians by M. Bečvářová and I. Netuka. The book, published in the series Heritage of European Mathematics by European Mathematical Society (Zürich, 2015), treats the mathematical community of Prague before World War II and the fates of mathematicians of Jewish descent fromCentral-Eastern Europe in the times of extermination of Jews carried out by Germany after Hitler’s assumption...


Stanisław Domoradzki — 2017

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Dear Readers,we have issued the next, 11th (2017) volume of Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series VI - "Antiquitates Mathematicae", a journal devoted to a history of mathematics, in which we offer 9 research articles, 1 report, and 1 essay. In the section of European mathematics, R. Duda makes a comparison of history, origins and development of mathematics in the new universities in Poznań, Vilnius, and Kaunas in the interwar period. In the Biographical section, L. Maligranda i W. Piotrowski...

From the Editor

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2018

Antiquitates Mathematicae

We present a subsequent volume, 12 (2018), of the Series VI of Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego – “Antiquitates Mathematicae”, a journal devoted to history of mathematics. In it, we offer 10 articles (6 in English, 4 in Polish), a profile of Professor Lech Maligranda-the recipient of the Samuel Dickstein Main Prize of the Polish Mathematical Society for the year 2016, as well as a report on an international conference in history of mathematics organized by the Czech community of historian...

Teaching mathematical programs in annual reports of gymnasiums in Galicia

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2009

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Since 1851, in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, so called school programs, also under the title Annual reports (Sprawozdania szkolne), were published. Every annual report consists of two parts: the official and scientific one. The official part contained the following information: about the teachers, teaching, programs, textbooks, scholarships, grants etc., library funds, mature examination. topics, entering examination topics, school chronics etc. In the article, we focus on the teaching programs...

Krzysztof Tatarkiewicz (1923-2011)

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2014

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Krzysztof Tatarkiewicz pochodził ze szlacheckiej rodziny wywodzącej się z zaścianka pod Bobrujskiem. Urodził się 13 grudnia 1923 r. w Warszawie. W 1939 r. uzyskał „małą maturę" w Gimnazjum im. Stefana Batorego w Warszawie. W czasie wojny uczył się na tajnych kompletach w tymże Gimnazjum, potem studiował matematykę w ramach Tajnego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Magisterium z matematyki (1947) i doktorat (1950) uzyskał na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. W 1954 r. został zweryfikowany jako docent (ówczesny...

Teoria mnogości w dziele Józefa Puzyny ,,Teorya funkcyj analitycznych''

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2010

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Znane są zasługi dotyczące wprowadzania teorii mnogości  do świadomości matematyków polskich przez Wacława  Sierpińskiego - pierwszy wykład z teorii mnogości na uniwersytecie lwowskim miał już w 1909 roku. Znana jest jego książka ,,Zarys teoryi mnogości'' z 1912 roku, jak też popularyzacja tej dziedziny w ,,Poradniku dla samouków''  (1915). Jednak zasługi Józefa Puzyny w tej dziedzinie są mniej znane.

Mathematical works in annual reports of gymnasiums in Galicia

Stanisław Domoradzki — 2009

Antiquitates Mathematicae

Every annual report is consisted from two parts: the official and scientific one.In the article, there are presented works concerning mathematics, teaching,and the history of mathematics. The importance of these reports will be realizedlater as an essential element of forming mathematical culture on thePolish lands in the second half of the XIXth century and at the beginning ofXXth century. 

On Matura examinations in Mathematics in the Prussian Partition of Poland from the 18th to the early 20th century

Stanisław DomoradzkiKarolina Karpińska — 2017

Antiquitates Mathematicae

In this article we discuss the first Matura examinations in mathematics conducted in the years 1789–1805 in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland occupied by Prussia on the basis of partition treaties. We present characteristics of the evolution of the Matura examinations in mathematics in the territory of Vistula Pomerania and Greater Poland, from the Napoleonic Wars until 1918. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of the Matura examinations in this subject in Catholic, Protestant and...

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