Sur le noyau de la chaleur associé aux puissances tensorielles d'un fibré en droites complexes. Estimations asymptotiques et théorèmes d'annulation
Soit , un fibré linéaire positif au-dessus d’une variété complexe compacte. Nous montrons que la fonction de distorsion définie par le rapport entre la métrique initiale et la métrique de Fubini-Study de admet un équivalent lorsque tend vers l’infini. Ceci améliore les encadrements de Kempf et Ji sur les variétés abéliennes, et les étend à toute variété projective. La démonstration repose sur le calcul d’un équivalent pour le noyau de la chaleur, avec contrôle de la convergence par rapport...
On donne une nouvelle démonstration directe du théorème de Hilbert-Samuel arithmétique et on déduit un critère numérique pour l’existence de sections d’un fibré en droite sur une variété arithmétique de norme sup inférieure à un.
We describe CEDRICS, a general purpose system for automated journal production entirely based on a LaTeX input format. We show how the very basic ideas that initiated the whole effort turned into an efficient system because of the ability of LaTeX markup to parametrise simultaneously and without compromise high typographical quality for the PDF output as well as accurate XML metadata with (presentation) MathML formulas. This was made possible by the availability of two entirely independent LaTeX...
This is a survey of the existing digital collections of French mathematical literature, run by non-profit organizations. This includes research monographs, serials, proceedings, Ph. D. theses, collected works, books and personal websites.
The mathematicians’ Digital mathematics library (DML) summarises the generous project that all mathematics ever published should end up in digital form so that it would be more easily referenced, accessed, used. This concept was formulated at the very beginning of this century, and yielded a lot of international activity that culminated around years 2002–2005. While it is estimated that a substantial part of the existing math literature is already available in some digital format, nothing looking...
The paper describes the background, the expected functionalities, and the architecture design goals of the European Digital Mathematics Library (Eu-DML), an infrastructure system aimed to integrate the mathematical contents available online throughout Europe, allowing for both extensive and specialized mathematics resource discovery. The three years long project to build the EuDML, partially funded by the European Commission, started in February 2010.
After an extensive study of the metadata policy of each of its content partners, the EuDML project evaluated many different strategies and existing schemas that could store every detail faithfully, and yet reserve room for the enhancements foreseen in the project’s work plan. The framework provided by the so-called NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite was selected as best readily available approximation of our needs. Some modifications of it have been endorsed by the project, defining...
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