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Creating action schema based on conceptual knowledge

William BakerOlen DiasBronislaw CzarnochaEdme Soho — 2016

Didactica Mathematicae

Much of constructivist pedagogy focuses on moving past direct instruction or “chalk and talk” to promote active construction of knowledge or teaching for understanding. In this article a group of teacherresearchers conducts two classroom investigations. The first is epistemological (structural) in nature, and the second is functional. In the first investigation, a student’s efforts to employ her conceptual knowledge to guide her actions is analyzed through the lens of a conceptual framework based...

Learning Fractions at a Community College

William BakerBronisław CzarnochaOlen DiasKathleen M. DoyleVrunda Prabhu — 2009

Didactica Mathematicae

This paper deals with the process of learning fractions by adult students attending courses of remedial mathematics at community colleges in the Bronx, New York City. It investigates the schema of fractions with the help of the model created by (Charalambos and Pitta-Pantazi, 2007), which is based on the work of Kiernan and the assumption that the fraction schema is composed of five subconstructs, a fundamental part whole subconstruct and four subordinate subconstracts: ratio, quotient, operator...

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