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Cardinal characteristics of the ideal of Haar null sets

Taras O. Banakh — 2004

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We calculate the cardinal characteristics of the σ -ideal 𝒩 ( G ) of Haar null subsets of a Polish non-locally compact group G with invariant metric and show that cov ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) 𝔟 max { 𝔡 , non ( 𝒩 ) } non ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) cof ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) > min { 𝔡 , non ( 𝒩 ) } . If G = n 0 G n is the product of abelian locally compact groups G n , then add ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) = add ( 𝒩 ) , cov ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) = min { 𝔟 , cov ( 𝒩 ) } , non ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) = max { 𝔡 , non ( 𝒩 ) } and cof ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) cof ( 𝒩 ) , where 𝒩 is the ideal of Lebesgue null subsets on the real line. Martin Axiom implies that cof ( 𝒩 ( G ) ) > 2 0 and hence G contains a Haar null subset that cannot be enlarged to a Borel or projective Haar null subset of G . This gives a negative (consistent) answer to a question of...

Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups

Taras O. BanakhSvetlana Dimitrova — 2010

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup S extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-Čech compactification β S provided S is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map f : S Y to a second countable space Y can be written as the composition f = g p of an open map p : X Z onto a second countable space Z and a map g : Z Y . We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.

Universal meager F σ -sets in locally compact manifolds

Taras O. BanakhDušan Repovš — 2013

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In each manifold M modeled on a finite or infinite dimensional cube [ 0 , 1 ] n , n ω , we construct a meager F σ -subset X M which is universal meager in the sense that for each meager subset A M there is a homeomorphism h : M M such that h ( A ) X . We also prove that any two universal meager F σ -sets in M are ambiently homeomorphic.

Corrigendum to the paper “The universal Banach space with a K -suppression unconditional basis”

Taras O. BanakhJoanna Garbulińska-Wegrzyn — 2020

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We observe that the notion of an almost 𝔉ℑ K -universal based Banach space, introduced in our earlier paper [1]: Banakh T., Garbulińska-Wegrzyn J., The universal Banach space with a K -suppression unconditional basis, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 59 (2018), no. 2, 195–206, is vacuous for K = 1 . Taking into account this discovery, we reformulate Theorem 5.2 from [1] in order to guarantee that the main results of [1] remain valid.

On linear functorial operators extending pseudometrics

Taras O. BanakhOleg Pikhurko — 1997

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a functor F I d on the category of metrizable compacta, we introduce a conception of a linear functorial operator T = { T X : P c ( X ) P c ( F X ) } extending (for each X ) pseudometrics from X onto F X X (briefly LFOEP for F ). The main result states that the functor S P G n of G -symmetric power admits a LFOEP if and only if the action of G on { 1 , , n } has a one-point orbit. Since both the hyperspace functor exp and the probability measure functor P contain S P 2 as a subfunctor, this implies that both exp and P do not admit LFOEP.

On meager function spaces, network character and meager convergence in topological spaces

Taras O. BanakhVolodymyr MykhaylyukLubomyr Zdomsky — 2011

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a non-isolated point x of a topological space X let nw χ ( x ) be the smallest cardinality of a family 𝒩 of infinite subsets of X such that each neighborhood O ( x ) X of x contains a set N 𝒩 . We prove that (a) each infinite compact Hausdorff space X contains a non-isolated point x with nw χ ( x ) = 0 ; (b) for each point x X with nw χ ( x ) = 0 there is an injective sequence ( x n ) n ω in X that -converges to x for some meager filter on ω ; (c) if a functionally Hausdorff space X contains an -convergent injective sequence for some meager filter...

On r -reflexive Banach spaces

Iryna BanakhTaras O. BanakhElena Riss — 2009

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A Banach space X is called if for any cover 𝒰 of X by weakly open sets there is a finite subfamily 𝒱 𝒰 covering some ball of radius 1 centered at a point x with x r . We prove that an infinite-dimensional separable Banach space X is -reflexive ( r -reflexive for some r ) if and only if each ε -net for X has an accumulation point (resp., contains a non-trivial convergent sequence) in the weak topology of X . We show that the quasireflexive James space J is r -reflexive for no r . We do not know if each -reflexive...

On character of points in the Higson corona of a metric space

Taras O. BanakhOstap ChervakLubomyr Zdomskyy — 2013

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that for an unbounded metric space X , the minimal character 𝗆 χ ( X ˇ ) of a point of the Higson corona X ˇ of X is equal to 𝔲 if X has asymptotically isolated balls and to max { 𝔲 , 𝔡 } otherwise. This implies that under 𝔲 < 𝔡 a metric space X of bounded geometry is coarsely equivalent to the Cantor macro-cube 2 < if and only if dim ( X ˇ ) = 0 and 𝗆 χ ( X ˇ ) = 𝔡 . This contrasts with a result of Protasov saying that under CH the coronas of any two asymptotically zero-dimensional unbounded metric separable spaces are homeomorphic.

On continuous self-maps and homeomorphisms of the Golomb space

Taras O. BanakhJerzy MioduszewskiSławomir Turek — 2018

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Golomb space τ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology τ generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions { a + b n : n 0 } with coprime a , b . We prove that the Golomb space τ has continuum many continuous self-maps, contains a countable disjoint family of infinite closed connected subsets, the set Π of prime numbers is a dense metrizable subspace of τ , and each homeomorphism h of τ has the following properties: h ( 1 ) = 1 , h ( Π ) = Π , Π h ( x ) = h ( Π x ) , and h ( x ) = h ( x ) for all x . Here x : = { x n : n } and Π x denotes the set of prime divisors...

The Golomb space is topologically rigid

Taras O. BanakhDario SpiritoSławomir Turek — 2021

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Golomb space τ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology τ generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions { a + b n : n 0 } with coprime a , b . We prove that the Golomb space τ is topologically rigid in the sense that its homeomorphism group is trivial. This resolves a problem posed by T. Banakh at Mathoverflow in 2017.

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