Displaying similar documents to “Sets of nondifferentiability for conjugacies between expanding interval maps”

Parapuzzle of the multibrot set and typical dynamics of unimodal maps

Artur Avila, Mikhail Lyubich, Weixiao Shen (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the parameter space of unicritical polynomials f c : z z d + c . For complex parameters, we prove that for Lebesgue almost every c , the map f c is either hyperbolic or infinitely renormalizable. For real parameters, we prove that for Lebesgue almost every c , the map f c is either hyperbolic, or Collet–Eckmann, or infinitely renormalizable. These results are based on controlling the spacing between consecutive elements in the “principal nest” of parapuzzle pieces.

Kneading sequences for double standard maps

Michael Benedicks, Ana Rodrigues (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate the symbolic dynamics for the double standard maps of the circle onto itself, given by f a , b ( x ) = 2 x + a + ( b / π ) s i n ( 2 π x ) ( m o d 1 ) , where b = 1 and a is a real parameter, 0 ≤ a < 1.

Well-posedness of optimization problems and Hausdorff metric on partial maps

Alessandro Caterino, Rita Ceppitelli, Ľubica Holà (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The object of this paper is the Hausdorff metric topology on partial maps with closed domains. This topological space is denoted by ( 𝒫 , H ρ ) . An equivalence of well-posedness of constrained continuous problems is proved. By using the completeness of the Hausdorff metric on the space of usco maps with moving domains, the complete metrizability of ( 𝒫 , H ρ ) is investigated.

Homogeneity and non-coincidence of Hausdorff and box dimensions for subsets of ℝⁿ

Anders Nilsson, Peter Wingren (2007)

Studia Mathematica


A class of subsets of ℝⁿ is constructed that have certain homogeneity and non-coincidence properties with respect to Hausdorff and box dimensions. For each triple (r,s,t) of numbers in the interval (0,n] with r < s < t, a compact set K is constructed so that for any non-empty subset U relatively open in K, we have ( d i m H ( U ) , d i m ̲ B ( U ) , d i m ¯ B ( U ) ) = ( r , s , t ) . Moreover, 2 - n H r ( K ) 2 n r / 2 .

Some remarks providing discontinuous maps on some C p ( X ) spaces

S. Moll (2008)

Banach Center Publications


Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff topological space and C p ( X ) the space of continuous real-valued maps on X endowed with the pointwise topology. A simple and natural argument is presented to show how to construct on the space C p ( X ) , if X contains a homeomorphic copy of the closed interval [0,1], real-valued maps which are everywhere discontinuous but continuous on all compact subsets of C p ( X ) .

Infinite Iterated Function Systems Depending on a Parameter

Ludwik Jaksztas (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


This paper is motivated by the problem of dependence of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs sets J 0 , σ for the map f₀(z) = z²+1/4 on the parameter σ. Using homographies, we imitate the construction of the iterated function system (IFS) whose limit set is a subset of J 0 , σ , given by Urbański and Zinsmeister. The closure of the limit set of our IFS ϕ σ , α n , k is the closure of some family of circles, and if the parameter σ varies, then the behavior of the limit set is similar to the behavior of...

Real C k Koebe principle

Weixiao Shen, Michael Todd (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We prove a C k version of the real Koebe principle for interval (or circle) maps with non-flat critical points.

On Surjective Bing Maps

Hisao Kato, Eiichi Matsuhashi (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


In [7], M. Levin proved that the set of all Bing maps of a compact metric space to the unit interval is a dense G δ -subset of the space of all maps. In [6], J. Krasinkiewicz independently proved that the set of all Bing maps of a compact metric space to an n-dimensional manifold (n ≥ 1) is a dense G δ -subset of the space of maps. In [9], J. Song and E. D. Tymchatyn, solving some problems of J. Krasinkiewicz ([6]), proved that the set of all Bing maps of a compact metric space to a nondegenerate...

Distortion bounds for C 2 + η unimodal maps

Mike Todd (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We obtain estimates for derivative and cross-ratio distortion for C 2 + η (any η > 0) unimodal maps with non-flat critical points. We do not require any “Schwarzian-like” condition. For two intervals J ⊂ T, the cross-ratio is defined as the value B(T,J): = (|T| |J|)/(|L| |R|) where L,R are the left and right connected components of T∖J respectively. For an interval map g such that g T : T is a diffeomorphism, we consider the cross-ratio distortion to be B(g,T,J): = B(g(T),g(J))/B(T,J). We prove...

On the Hausdorff Dimension of Topological Subspaces

Tomasz Szarek, Maciej Ślęczka (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


It is shown that every Polish space X with d i m T X d admits a compact subspace Y such that d i m H Y d where d i m T and d i m H denote the topological and Hausdorff dimensions, respectively.

Characterization of local dimension functions of subsets of d

L. Olsen (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae


For a subset E d and x d , the local Hausdorff dimension function of E at x is defined by d i m H , l o c ( x , E ) = l i m r 0 d i m H ( E B ( x , r ) ) where d i m H denotes the Hausdorff dimension. We give a complete characterization of the set of functions that are local Hausdorff dimension functions. In fact, we prove a significantly more general result, namely, we give a complete characterization of those functions that are local dimension functions of an arbitrary regular dimension index.

On the Hausdorff dimension of certain self-affine sets

Abercrombie Alex G.., Nair R. (2002)

Studia Mathematica


A subset E of ℝⁿ is called self-affine with respect to a collection ϕ₁,...,ϕₜ of affinities if E is the union of the sets ϕ₁(E),...,ϕₜ(E). For S ⊂ ℝⁿ let Φ ( S ) = 1 j t ϕ j ( S ) . If Φ(S) ⊂ S let E Φ ( S ) denote k 0 Φ k ( S ) . For given Φ consisting of contracting “pseudo-dilations” (affinities which preserve the directions of the coordinate axes) and subject to further mild technical restrictions we show that there exist self-affine sets E Φ ( S ) of each Hausdorff dimension between zero and a positive number depending on Φ. We also...

On dimensionally restricted maps

H. Murat Tuncali, Vesko Valov (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let f: X → Y be a closed n-dimensional surjective map of metrizable spaces. It is shown that if Y is a C-space, then: (1) the set of all maps g: X → ⁿ with dim(f △ g) = 0 is uniformly dense in C(X,ⁿ); (2) for every 0 ≤ k ≤ n-1 there exists an F σ -subset A k of X such that d i m A k k and the restriction f | ( X A k ) is (n-k-1)-dimensional. These are extensions of theorems by Pasynkov and Toruńczyk, respectively, obtained for finite-dimensional spaces. A generalization of a result due to Dranishnikov and Uspenskij...

On the continuity of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs sets

Ludwik Jaksztas (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let f₀(z) = z²+1/4. We denote by ₀ the set of parameters σ ∈ ℂ for which the critical point 0 escapes from the filled-in Julia set K(f₀) in one step by the Lavaurs map g σ . We prove that if σ₀ ∈ ∂₀, then the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs set J 0 , σ is continuous at σ₀ as the function of the parameter σ ¯ if and only if H D ( J 0 , σ ) 4 / 3 . Since H D ( J 0 , σ ) > 4 / 3 on a dense set of parameters which correspond to preparabolic points, the lower semicontinuity implies the continuity of H D ( J 0 , σ ) on an open and dense subset of...

Exact covering maps of the circle without (weak) limit measure

Roland Zweimüller (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We construct maps T on the interval and on the circle which are Lebesgue exact preserving an absolutely continuous infinite measure μ ≪ λ, such that for any probability measure ν ≪ λ the sequence ( n - 1 k = 0 n - 1 ν T - k ) n 1 of arithmetical averages of image measures does not converge weakly.

A classification of inverse limit spaces of tent maps with periodic critical points

Lois Kailhofer (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We work within the one-parameter family of symmetric tent maps, where the slope is the parameter. Given two such tent maps f a , f b with periodic critical points, we show that the inverse limit spaces ( a , f a ) and ( b , g b ) are not homeomorphic when a ≠ b. To obtain our result, we define topological substructures of a composant, called “wrapping points” and “gaps”, and identify properties of these substructures preserved under a homeomorphism.

More on tie-points and homeomorphism in ℕ*

Alan Dow, Saharon Shelah (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A point x is a (bow) tie-point of a space X if X∖x can be partitioned into (relatively) clopen sets each with x in its closure. We denote this as X = A x B where A, B are the closed sets which have a unique common accumulation point x. Tie-points have appeared in the construction of non-trivial autohomeomorphisms of βℕ = ℕ* (by Veličković and Shelah Steprans) and in the recent study (by Levy and Dow Techanie) of precisely 2-to-1 maps on ℕ*. In these cases the tie-points have been the unique...

Univoque sets for real numbers

Fan Lü, Bo Tan, Jun Wu (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For x ∈ (0,1), the univoque set for x, denoted (x), is defined to be the set of β ∈ (1,2) such that x has only one representation of the form x = x₁/β + x₂/β² + ⋯ with x i 0 , 1 . We prove that for any x ∈ (0,1), (x) contains a sequence β k k 1 increasing to 2. Moreover, (x) is a Lebesgue null set of Hausdorff dimension 1; both (x) and its closure ( x ) ¯ are nowhere dense.

On the Separation Dimension of K ω

Yasunao Hattori, Jan van Mill (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We prove that t r t K ω > ω + 1 , where trt stands for the transfinite extension of Steinke’s separation dimension. This answers a question of Chatyrko and Hattori.

Hausdorff dimension of scale-sparse Weierstrass-type functions

Abel Carvalho (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is to calculate (deterministically) the Hausdorff dimension of the scale-sparse Weierstrass-type functions W s ( x ) : = j 1 ρ - γ j s g ( ρ γ j x + θ j ) , where ρ > 1, γ > 1 and 0 < s < 1, and g is a periodic Lipschitz function satisfying some additional appropriate conditions.

Jumps of entropy for C r interval maps

David Burguet (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study the jumps of topological entropy for C r interval or circle maps. We prove in particular that the topological entropy is continuous at any f C r ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) with h t o p ( f ) > ( l o g | | f ' | | ) / r . To this end we study the continuity of the entropy of the Buzzi-Hofbauer diagrams associated to C r interval maps.

Sets of β -expansions and the Hausdorff measure of slices through fractals

Tom Kempton (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study natural measures on sets of β -expansions and on slices through self similar sets. In the setting of β -expansions, these allow us to better understand the measure of maximal entropy for the random β -transformation and to reinterpret a result of Lindenstrauss, Peres and Schlag in terms of equidistribution. Each of these applications is relevant to the study of Bernoulli convolutions. In the fractal setting this allows us to understand how to disintegrate Hausdorff measure by slicing,...

On Bressan's conjecture on mixing properties of vector fields

Stefano Bianchini (2006)

Banach Center Publications


In [9], the author considers a sequence of invertible maps T i : S ¹ S ¹ which exchange the positions of adjacent intervals on the unit circle, and defines as Aₙ the image of the set 0 ≤ x ≤ 1/2 under the action of Tₙ ∘ ... ∘ T₁, (1) Aₙ = (Tₙ ∘ ... ∘ T₁)x₁ ≤ 1/2. Then, if Aₙ is mixed up to scale h, it is proved that (2) i = 1 n ( T o t . V a r . ( T i - I ) + T o t . V a r . ( T i - 1 - I ) ) C l o g 1 / h . We prove that (1) holds for general quasi incompressible invertible BV maps on ℝ, and that this estimate implies that the map Tₙ ∘ ... ∘ T₁ belongs to the Besov space B 0 , 1 , 1 , and its...

A compact Hausdorff topology that is a T₁-complement of itself

Dmitri Shakhmatov, Michael Tkachenko (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Topologies τ₁ and τ₂ on a set X are called T₁-complementary if τ₁ ∩ τ₂ = X∖F: F ⊆ X is finite ∪ ∅ and τ₁∪τ₂ is a subbase for the discrete topology on X. Topological spaces ( X , τ X ) and ( Y , τ Y ) are called T₁-complementary provided that there exists a bijection f: X → Y such that τ X and f - 1 ( U ) : U τ Y are T₁-complementary topologies on X. We provide an example of a compact Hausdorff space of size 2 which is T₁-complementary to itself ( denotes the cardinality of the continuum). We prove that the existence of a compact...

A two-dimensional univoque set

Martijn de Vrie, Vilmos Komornik (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let J ⊂ ℝ² be the set of couples (x,q) with q > 1 such that x has at least one representation of the form x = i = 1 c i q - i with integer coefficients c i satisfying 0 c i < q , i ≥ 1. In this case we say that ( c i ) = c c . . . is an expansion of x in base q. Let U be the set of couples (x,q) ∈ J such that x has exactly one expansion in base q. In this paper we deduce some topological and combinatorial properties of the set U. We characterize the closure of U, and we determine its Hausdorff dimension. For (x,q) ∈ J, we also...

Szpilrajn type theorem for concentration dimension

Jozef Myjak, Tomasz Szarek (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a locally compact, separable metric space. We prove that d i m T X = i n f d i m L X ' : X ' i s h o m e o m o r p h i c t o X , where d i m L X and d i m T X stand for the concentration dimension and the topological dimension of X, respectively.

Strong bifurcation loci of full Hausdorff dimension

Thomas Gauthier (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


In the moduli space d of degree  d rational maps, the bifurcation locus is the support of a closed ( 1 , 1 ) positive current T bif which is called the bifurcation current. This current gives rise to a measure μ bif : = ( T bif ) 2 d - 2 whose support is the seat of strong bifurcations. Our main result says that supp ( μ bif ) has maximal Hausdorff dimension 2 ( 2 d - 2 ) . As a consequence, the set of degree  d rational maps having ( 2 d - 2 ) distinct neutral cycles is dense in a set of full Hausdorff dimension.

Maps with dimensionally restricted fibers

Vesko Valov (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove that if f: X → Y is a closed surjective map between metric spaces such that every fiber f - 1 ( y ) belongs to a class S of spaces, then there exists an F σ -set A ⊂ X such that A ∈ S and d i m f - 1 ( y ) A = 0 for all y ∈ Y. Here, S can be one of the following classes: (i) M: e-dim M ≤ K for some CW-complex K; (ii) C-spaces; (iii) weakly infinite-dimensional spaces. We also establish that if S = M: dim M ≤ n, then dim f ∆ g ≤ 0 for almost all g C ( X , n + 1 ) .

Some Remarks on Nonlinear Composition Operators in Spaces of Differentiable Functions

J. Appell, Z. Jesús, O. Mejía (2011)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this note we study the nonlinear composition operator f g f in various spaces of differentiable functions over an interval. It turns out that this operator is always bounded in the corresponding norm, whenever it maps such a space into itself, but continuous only in exceptional cases.

Quantization Dimension Estimate of Inhomogeneous Self-Similar Measures

Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We consider an inhomogeneous measure μ with the inhomogeneous part a self-similar measure ν, and show that for a given r ∈ (0,∞) the lower and the upper quantization dimensions of order r of μ are bounded below by the quantization dimension D r ( ν ) of ν and bounded above by a unique number κ r ( 0 , ) , related to the temperature function of the thermodynamic formalism that arises in the multifractal analysis of μ.

Persistence of fixed points under rigid perturbations of maps

Salvador Addas-Zanata, Pedro A. S. Salomão (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let f: S¹ × [0,1] → S¹ × [0,1] be a real-analytic diffeomorphism which is homotopic to the identity map and preserves an area form. Assume that for some lift f̃: ℝ × [0,1] → ℝ × [0,1] we have Fix(f̃) = ℝ × 0 and that f̃ positively translates points in ℝ × 1. Let f ̃ ϵ be the perturbation of f̃ by the rigid horizontal translation (x,y) ↦ (x+ϵ,y). We show that F i x ( f ̃ ϵ ) = for all ϵ > 0 sufficiently small. The proof follows from Kerékjártó’s construction of Brouwer lines for orientation preserving...

L p -improving properties of measures of positive energy dimension

Kathryn E. Hare, Maria Roginskaya (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae


A measure is called L p -improving if it acts by convolution as a bounded operator from L p to L q for some q > p. Positive measures which are L p -improving are known to have positive Hausdorff dimension. We extend this result to complex L p -improving measures and show that even their energy dimension is positive. Measures of positive energy dimension are seen to be the Lipschitz measures and are characterized in terms of their improving behaviour on a subset of L p -functions.

A Note on -Maps

Zbigniew Duszyński (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Richness of the class of -maps [3] is investigated. Several consequences for the theory of quasi- -closed spaces are indicated.