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Some interpretations of the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers

Natalia Paja, Iwona Włoch (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider two parameters generalization of the Fibonacci numbers and Pell numbers, named as the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers. We give some new interpretations of these numbers. Moreover using these interpretations we prove some identities for the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers.

Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number theory, ii

P. Erdős, A. Sárközy (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In an earlier paper [9], the authors discussed some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number theory. First we will give an update of some of these problems. In the remaining part of this paper we will discuss some further problems of the two authors.

Stern Polynomials as Numerators of Continued Fractions

A. Schinzel (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

It is proved that the nth Stern polynomial Bₙ(t) in the sense of Klavžar, Milutinović and Petr [Adv. Appl. Math. 39 (2007)] is the numerator of a continued fraction of n terms. This generalizes a result of Graham, Knuth and Patashnik concerning the Stern sequence Bₙ(1). As an application, the degree of Bₙ(t) is expressed in terms of the binary expansion of n.

Strong versions of Kummer-type congruences for Genocchi numbers and polynomials and tangent coefficients

Mehmet Cenkci (2005)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

We use the properties of p -adic integrals and measures to obtain general congruences for Genocchi numbers and polynomials and tangent coefficients. These congruences are analogues of the usual Kummer congruences for Bernoulli numbers, generalize known congruences for Genocchi numbers, and provide new congruences systems for Genocchi polynomials and tangent coefficients.

Substitution invariant sturmian bisequences

Bruno Parvaix (1999)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We prove that a Sturmian bisequence, with slope α and intercept ρ , is fixed by some non-trivial substitution if and only if α is a Sturm number and ρ belongs to ( α ) . We also detail a complementary system of integers connected with Beatty bisequences.

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