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Étienne Bézout : analyse algébrique au siècle des lumières

Liliane Alfonsi (2008)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Le but de cet article, à travers l’étude des travaux en analyse algébrique finie d’Étienne Bézout (1730-1783), est de mieux faire connaître ses résultats, tels qu’il les a effectivement trouvés, et de mettre en valeur aussi bien les points de vue novateurs que les méthodes originales, mis en œuvre à cet effet. L’idée de ramener le problème de l’élimination d’une ou plusieurs inconnues à l’étude d’un système d’équations du premier degré, son utilisation inhabituelle des coefficients indéterminés...

Even and Old Overdetermined Strata for Degree 6 Hyperbolic Polynomials

Ezzaldine, Hayssam, Kostov, Vladimir Petrov (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12D10.In the present paper we consider degree 6 hyperbolic polynomials (HPs) in one variable (i.e. real and with all roots real). We are interested in such HPs whose number of equalities between roots of the polynomial and/or its derivatives is higher than expected. We give the complete study of the four families of such degree 6 even HPs and also of HPs which are primitives of degree 5 HPs.Research partially supported by research project 20682 for cooperation...

Extension of the Two-Variable Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture to generalized polynomials

Charles N. Delzell (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Let h : n be a continuous, piecewise-polynomial function. The Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture (1956) is that any such h is representable in the form sup i inf j f i j , for some finite collection of polynomials f i j [ x 1 , ... , x n ] . (A simple example is h ( x 1 ) = | x 1 | = sup { x 1 , - x 1 } .) In 1984, L. Mahé and, independently, G. Efroymson, proved this for n 2 ; it remains open for n 3 . In this paper we prove an analogous result for “generalized polynomials” (also known as signomials), i.e., where the exponents are allowed to be arbitrary real numbers, and not just natural numbers;...

Extensions of the Bloch–Pólya theorem on the number of real zeros of polynomials

Tamás Erdélyi (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We prove that there are absolute constants c 1 > 0 and c 2 > 0 such that for every { a 0 , a 1 , ... , a n } [ 1 , M ] , 1 M exp ( c 1 n 1 / 4 ) , there are b 0 , b 1 , ... , b n { - 1 , 0 , 1 } such that P ( z ) = j = 0 n b j a j z j has at least c 2 n 1 / 4 distinct sign changes in ( 0 , 1 ) . This improves and extends earlier results of Bloch and Pólya.

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