Displaying 21 – 40 of 192

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Hauteurs des sous-schémas de dimension nulle de l'espace projectif

Hugues Randriambololona (2003)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Dans ce texte on introduit une notion de hauteur pour les sous-schémas d'une variété arithmétique. Dans le cas particulier d'un sous-schéma de dimension (générique) nulle de l'espace projectif, on donne pour ces hauteurs une estimation qui prend la forme d'une formule de Hilbert-Samuel arithmétique, généralisant ainsi des résultats de M. Laurent sur les hauteurs de matrices d'interpolation. Les trois premiers termes du développement asymptotique ainsi obtenu peuvent s'analyser...

h-cobordism and s-cobordism Theorems: Transfer over Semialgebraic and Nash Categories, Uniform bound and Effectiveness

Mady Demdah Kartoue (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The h-cobordism theorem is a noted theorem in differential and PL topology. A generalization of the h-cobordism theorem for possibly non simply connected manifolds is the so called s-cobordism theorem. In this paper, we prove semialgebraic and Nash versions of these theorems. That is, starting with semialgebraic or Nash cobordism data, we get a semialgebraic homeomorphism (respectively a Nash diffeomorphism). The main tools used are semialgebraic triangulation and Nash approximation.One aspect of...

Heights and regulators of number fields and elliptic curves

Fabien Pazuki (2014)

Publications mathématiques de Besançon

We compare general inequalities between invariants of number fields and invariants of elliptic curves over number fields. On the number field side, we remark that there is only a finite number of non-CM number fields with bounded regulator. On the elliptic curve side, assuming the height conjecture of Lang and Silverman, we obtain a Northcott property for the regulator on the set of elliptic curves with dense rational points over a number field. This amounts to say that the arithmetic of CM fields...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 192