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Manin’s and Peyre’s conjectures on rational points and adelic mixing

Alex Gorodnik, François Maucourant, Hee Oh (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let X be the wonderful compactification of a connected adjoint semisimple group G defined over a number field K . We prove Manin’s conjecture on the asymptotic (as T ) of the number of K -rational points of X of height less than T , and give an explicit construction of a measure on X ( 𝔸 ) , generalizing Peyre’s measure, which describes the asymptotic distribution of the rational points 𝐆 ( K ) on X ( 𝔸 ) . Our approach is based on the mixing property of L 2 ( 𝐆 ( K ) 𝐆 ( 𝔸 ) ) which we obtain with a rate of convergence.

Manin’s conjecture for a singular sextic del Pezzo surface

Daniel Loughran (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We prove Manin’s conjecture for a del Pezzo surface of degree six which has one singularity of type A 2 . Moreover, we achieve a meromorphic continuation and explicit expression of the associated height zeta function.

Mean value theorems for L-functions over prime polynomials for the rational function field

Julio C. Andrade, Jonathan P. Keating (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

The first and second moments are established for the family of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over the rational function field at the central point s=1/2, where the character χ is defined by the Legendre symbol for polynomials over finite fields and runs over all monic irreducible polynomials P of a given odd degree. Asymptotic formulae are derived for fixed finite fields when the degree of P is large. The first moment obtained here is the function field analogue of a result due to Jutila in the...

Mean-periodicity and zeta functions

Ivan Fesenko, Guillaume Ricotta, Masatoshi Suzuki (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This paper establishes new bridges between zeta functions in number theory and modern harmonic analysis, namely between the class of complex functions, which contains the zeta functions of arithmetic schemes and closed with respect to product and quotient, and the class of mean-periodic functions in several spaces of functions on the real line. In particular, the meromorphic continuation and functional equation of the zeta function of an arithmetic scheme with its expected analytic shape is shown...

Mesures de Mahler et équidistribution logarithmique

Antoine Chambert-Loir, Amaury Thuillier (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit X un schéma projectif intègre défini sur un corps de nombres  F  ; soit L un fibré en droites ample sur  X muni d’une métrique adélique semi-positive au sens de Zhang. Les résultats principaux de cet article sont :(1)Une formule qui calcule les hauteurs locales (relativement à  L ) d’un diviseur de Cartier sur  X comme des « mesures de Mahler » généralisées, c’est-à-dire les intégrales de fonctions de Green pour  D contre des mesures associées à  L  ;(2)Un théorème d’équidistribution des points de « petite »...

Minimal resolution and stable reduction of X 0 ( N )

Bas Edixhoven (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let N 1 be an integer. Let X 0 ( N ) be the modular curve over Z , as constructed by Katz and Mazur. The minimal resolution of X 0 ( N ) over Z [ 1 / 6 ] is computed. Let p 5 be a prime, such that N = p 2 M , with M prime to p . Let n = ( p 2 - 1 ) / 2 . It is shown that X 0 ( N ) has stable reduction at p over Q [ p n ] , and the fibre at p of the stable model is computed.

Minoration de la hauteur normalisée des hypersurfaces

Francesco Amoroso, Sinnou David (2000)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Dans un article célèbre, D. H. Lehmer posait la question suivante (voir [Le], §13, page 476): «The following problem arises immediately. If ε is a positive quantity, to find a polynomial of the form: f ( x ) = x r + a 1 x r - 1 + + a r where the a’s are integers, such that the absolute value of the product of those roots of f which lie outside the unit circle, lies between 1 and 1 + ε (...). Whether or not the problem has a solution for ε < 0.176 we do not know.» Cette question, toujours ouverte, est la source...

Models of group schemes of roots of unity

A. Mézard, M. Romagny, D. Tossici (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let 𝒪 K be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristics ( 0 , p ) , with residue field k . Using work of Sekiguchi and Suwa, we construct some finite flat 𝒪 K -models of the group scheme μ p n , K of p n -th roots of unity, which we call Kummer group schemes. We carefully set out the general framework and algebraic properties of this construction. When k is perfect and 𝒪 K is a complete totally ramified extension of the ring of Witt vectors W ( k ) , we provide a parallel study of the Breuil-Kisin modules of finite flat models...

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