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The almost isomorphism relation for simple regular rings.

Pere Ara, Kenneth R. Goodearl (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A longstanding open problem in the theory of von Neumann regular rings is the question of whether every directly finite simple regular ring must be unit-regular. Recent work on this problem has been done by P. Menal, K. C. O'Meara, and the authors. To clarify some aspects of these new developments, we introduce and study the notion of almost isomorphism between finitely generated projective modules over a simple regular ring.

The category of groupoid graded modules

Patrik Lundström (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the abelian category R-gr of groupoid graded modules and give an answer to the following general question: If U: R-gr → R-mod denotes the functor which associates to any graded left R-module M the underlying ungraded structure U(M), when does either of the following two implications hold: (I) M has property X ⇒ U(M) has property X; (II) U(M) has property X ⇒ M has property X? We treat the cases when X is one of the properties: direct summand, free, finitely generated, finitely presented,...

The existence of envelopes

Edgar E. Enochs, Overtoun M. G. Jenda, Jinzhong Xu (1993)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

There is no analog of the transpose map for infinite matrices.

Juan Jacobo Simón (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this note we show that there are no ring anti-isomorphism between row finite matrix rings. As a consequence we show that row finite and column finite matrix rings cannot be either isomorphic or Morita equivalent rings. We also show that antiisomorphisms between endomorphism rings of infinitely generated projective modules may exist.

Totally reflexive modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule

Zhen Zhang, Xiaosheng Zhu, Xiaoguang Yan (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S and R be two associative rings, let S C R be a semidualizing ( S , R ) -bimodule. We introduce and investigate properties of the totally reflexive module with respect to S C R and we give a characterization of the class of the totally C R -reflexive modules over any ring R . Moreover, we show that the totally C R -reflexive module with finite projective dimension is exactly the finitely generated projective right R -module. We then study the relations between the class of totally reflexive modules and the Bass class...

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