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Rings whose modules have maximal submodules.

Carl Faith (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A ring R is a right max ring if every right module M ≠ 0 has at least one maximal submodule. It suffices to check for maximal submodules of a single module and its submodules in order to test for a max ring; namely, any cogenerating module E of mod-R; also it suffices to check the submodules of the injective hull E(V) of each simple module V (Theorem 1). Another test is transfinite nilpotence of the radical of E in the sense that radα E = 0; equivalently, there is an ordinal α such that radα(E(V))...

Some results on ( n , d ) -injective modules, ( n , d ) -flat modules and n -coherent rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let n , d be two non-negative integers. A left R -module M is called ( n , d ) -injective, if Ext d + 1 ( N , M ) = 0 for every n -presented left R -module N . A right R -module V is called ( n , d ) -flat, if Tor d + 1 ( V , N ) = 0 for every n -presented left R -module N . A left R -module M is called weakly n - F P -injective, if Ext n ( N , M ) = 0 for every ( n + 1 ) -presented left R -module N . A right R -module V is called weakly n -flat, if Tor n ( V , N ) = 0 for every ( n + 1 ) -presented left R -module N . In this paper, we give some characterizations and properties of ( n , d ) -injective modules and ( n , d ) -flat modules in the cases...

Some results on quasi-Frobenius rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give some new characterizations of quasi-Frobenius rings by the generalized injectivity of rings. Some characterizations give affirmative answers to some open questions about quasi-Frobenius rings; and some characterizations improve some results on quasi-Frobenius rings.

Strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent rings, ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary rings and ( 𝒯 , n ) -regular rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒯 be a weak torsion class of left R -modules and n a positive integer. A left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective if Ext R n ( C , M ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a right R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -flat if Tor n R ( M , C ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective if Ext R n ( M , N ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective left R -module N ; the ring R is called strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent if whenever 0 K P C 0 is exact, where C is ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented and P is finitely generated projective, then K is ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective; the ring R is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary...

ω 1 -generated uniserial modules over chain rings

Jan Žemlička (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this paper is to provide a criterion of an occurrence of uncountably generated uniserial modules over chain rings. As we show it suffices to investigate two extreme cases, nearly simple chain rings, i.e. chain rings containing only three two-sided ideals, and chain rings with “many” two-sided ideals. We prove that there exists an ω 1 -generated uniserial module over every non-artinian nearly simple chain ring and over chain rings containing an uncountable strictly increasing (resp. decreasing)...

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