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Ideal CR submanifolds in non-flat complex space forms

Toru Sasahara (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An explicit representation for ideal CR submanifolds of a complex hyperbolic space has been derived in T. Sasahara (2002). We simplify and reformulate the representation in terms of certain Kähler submanifolds. In addition, we investigate the almost contact metric structure of ideal CR submanifolds in a complex hyperbolic space. Moreover, we obtain a codimension reduction theorem for ideal CR submanifolds in a complex projective space.

Infinitesimal automorphisms and deformations of parabolic geometries

Andreas Čap (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that infinitesimal automorphisms and infinitesimal deformations of parabolic geometries can be nicely described in terms of the twisted de Rham sequence associated to a certain linear connection on the adjoint tractor bundle. For regular normal geometries, this description can be related to the underlying geometric structure using the machinery of BGG sequences. In the locally flat case, this leads to a deformation complex, which generalizes the well known complex for locally conformally...

Infinitesimal CR automorphisms for a class of polynomial models

Martin Kolář, Francine Meylan (2017)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study infinitesimal CR automorphisms of Levi degenerate hypersurfaces. We illustrate the recent general results of [18], [17], [15], on a class of concrete examples, polynomial models in 3 of the form w = ( P ( z ) Q ( z ) ¯ ) , where P and Q are weighted homogeneous holomorphic polynomials in z = ( z 1 , z 2 ) . We classify such models according to their Lie algebra of infinitesimal CR automorphisms. We also give the first example of a non monomial model which admits a nonlinear rigid automorphism.

Infinitesimal CR automorphisms of hypersurfaces of finite type in 2

Martin Kolář, Francine Meylan (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We study the Chern-Moser operator for hypersurfaces of finite type in 2 . Analysing its kernel, we derive explicit results on jet determination for the stability group, and give a description of infinitesimal CR automorphisms of such manifolds.

Intersections of totally real and holomorphic disks.

Tom Duchamp, Franc Forstneric (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is shown that a holomorphically embedded open disk in C2 and a totally real embedded open disk which have a common smooth boundary have nontrivial intersection.

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