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Profile decomposition for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

Isabelle Gallagher (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We consider sequences of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in  3 , associated with sequences of initial data bounded in  H ˙ 1 / 2 . We prove, in the spirit of the work of H.Bahouri and P.Gérard (in the case of the wave equation), that they can be decomposed into a sum of orthogonal profiles, bounded in  H ˙ 1 / 2 , up to a remainder term small in  L 3 ; the method is based on the proof of a similar result for the heat equation, followed by a perturbation–type argument. If  𝒜 is an “admissible” space (in particular ...

Propriétés de moyenne pour les solutions de systèmes elliptiques

Jacqueline Détraz (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this article, we consider the set F of functions annihilated by a uniformly elliptic system S in an open set Ω of Rn.We show that, as in the case of harmonic functions, F satisfies a submean-property, first for p=2 by elliptic estimates, then for all p > 0:|∇k u(x)|p ≤ C / (rn+kp) ∫B(x,r) |u(y)|p dyfor each u in F, each k > 0 and every ball B(x,r) included in Ω.As a consequence, we can compare ||u||Lp(Ω) and ||∇ku||Lp(Ω,δkp) where δ is the distance to the boundary of Ω, under the...

Pseudo-spectrum for a class of semi-classical operators

Karel Pravda-Starov (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We study in this paper a notion of pseudo-spectrum in the semi-classical setting called injectivity pseudo-spectrum. The injectivity pseudo-spectrum is a subset of points in the complex plane where there exist some quasi-modes with a precise rate of decay. For that reason, these values can be considered as some ‘almost eigenvalues’ in the semi-classical limit. We are interested here in studying the absence of injectivity pseudo-spectrum, which is characterized by a global a priori estimate. We prove...

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