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Modelling of singularities in elastoplastic materials with fatigue

Pavel Krejčí (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

The hypothesis that, on the macroscopic level, the accumulated fatigue of an elastoplastic material with kinematic hardening can be identified from the mathematical point of view with the dissipated energy, is used for the construction of a new constitutive elastoplastic fatigue model. Its analytical investigation characterizes conditions for the formation of singularities in a finite time. The corresponding constitutive law is then coupled with the dynamical equation of motion of a one-dimensional...

Monotone (A,B) entropy stable numerical scheme for Scalar Conservation Laws with discontinuous flux

Adimurthi, Rajib Dutta, G. D. Veerappa Gowda, Jérôme Jaffré (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

For scalar conservation laws in one space dimension with a flux function discontinuous in space, there exist infinitely many classes of solutions which are L1 contractive. Each class is characterized by a connection (A,B) which determines the interface entropy. For solutions corresponding to a connection (A,B), there exists convergent numerical schemes based on Godunov or Engquist−Osher schemes. The natural question is how to obtain schemes, corresponding to computationally less expensive monotone...

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