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Bifurcation set and limit cycles forming compound eyes in a perturbed Hamiltonian system.

Li Jibin, Liu Zhenrong (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we consider a class of perturbation of a Hamiltonian cubic system with 9 finite critical points. Using detection functions, we present explicit formulas for the global and local bifurcations of the flow. We exhibit various patterns of compound eyes of limit cycles. These results are concerned with the weakened Hilbert's 16th problem posed by V. I. Arnold in 1977.

Bifurcations of limit cycles from cubic Hamiltonian systems with a center and a homoclinic saddle-loop.

Yulin Zhao, Zhifen Zhang (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is proved in this paper that the maximum number of limit cycles of system⎧ dx/dt = y⎨⎩ dy/dt = kx - (k + 1)x2 + x3 + ε(α + βx + γx2)yis equal to two in the finite plane, where k > (11 + √33) / 4 , 0 < |ε| << 1, |α| + |β| + |γ| ≠ 0. This is partial answer to the seventh question in [2], posed by Arnold.

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