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Perron-Frobenius operators and the Klein-Gordon equation

Francisco Canto-Martín, Håkan Hedenmalm, Alfonso Montes-Rodríguez (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For a smooth curve Γ and a set Λ in the plane 2 , let A C ( Γ ; Λ ) be the space of finite Borel measures in the plane supported on Γ , absolutely continuous with respect to the arc length and whose Fourier transform vanishes on Λ . Following [12], we say that ( Γ , Λ ) is a Heisenberg uniqueness pair if A C ( Γ ; Λ ) = { 0 } . In the context of a hyperbola Γ , the study of Heisenberg uniqueness pairs is the same as looking for uniqueness sets Λ of a collection of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation. In this work, we mainly address the...

Pointwise convergence to the initial data for nonlocal dyadic diffusions

Marcelo Actis, Hugo Aimar (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We solve the initial value problem for the diffusion induced by dyadic fractional derivative s in + . First we obtain the spectral analysis of the dyadic fractional derivative operator in terms of the Haar system, which unveils a structure for the underlying “heat kernel”. We show that this kernel admits an integrable and decreasing majorant that involves the dyadic distance. This allows us to provide an estimate of the maximal operator of the diffusion by the Hardy-Littlewood dyadic maximal operator....

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