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A note on a class of homeomorphisms between Banach spaces

Piotr Fijałkowski (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

This paper deals with homeomorphisms F: X → Y, between Banach spaces X and Y, which are of the form F ( x ) : = F ̃ x ( 2 n + 1 ) where F ̃ : X 2 n + 1 Y is a continuous (2n+1)-linear operator.

An alternative polynomial Daugavet property

Elisa R. Santos (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a weaker version of the polynomial Daugavet property: a Banach space X has the alternative polynomial Daugavet property (APDP) if every weakly compact polynomial P: X → X satisfies m a x ω | | I d + ω P | | = 1 + | | P | | . We study the stability of the APDP by c₀-, - and ℓ₁-sums of Banach spaces. As a consequence, we obtain examples of Banach spaces with the APDP, namely L ( μ , X ) and C(K,X), where X has the APDP.

Approximation properties determined by operator ideals and approximability of homogeneous polynomials and holomorphic functions

Sonia Berrios, Geraldo Botelho (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Given an operator ideal ℐ, a Banach space E has the ℐ-approximation property if the identity operator on E can be uniformly approximated on compact subsets of E by operators belonging to ℐ. In this paper the ℐ-approximation property is studied in projective tensor products, spaces of linear functionals, spaces of linear operators/homogeneous polynomials, spaces of holomorphic functions and their preduals.

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