Displaying 21 – 40 of 76

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On the complexity of problems on simple games

Josep Freixas, Xavier Molinero, Martin Olsen, Maria Serna (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Simple games cover voting systems in which a single alternative, such as a bill or an amendment, is pitted against the status quo. A simple game or a yes-no voting system is a set of rules that specifies exactly which collections of “yea” votes yield passage of the issue at hand. Each of these collections of “yea” voters forms a winning coalition. We are interested in performing a complexity analysis on problems defined on such families of games. This analysis as usual depends on the game representation...

On the complexity of problems on simple games

Josep Freixas, Xavier Molinero, Martin Olsen, Maria Serna (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Simple games cover voting systems in which a single alternative, such as a bill or an amendment, is pitted against the status quo. A simple game or a yes-no voting system is a set of rules that specifies exactly which collections of “yea” votes yield passage of the issue at hand. Each of these collections of “yea” voters forms a winning coalition. We are interested in performing a complexity analysis on problems defined on such families of games....

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 76