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Eight-shaped Lissajous orbits in the Earth-Moon system

Grégory Archambeau, Philippe Augros, Emmanuel Trélat (2011)

MathematicS In Action

Euler and Lagrange proved the existence of five equilibrium points in the circular restricted three-body problem. These equilibrium points are known as the Lagrange points (Euler points or libration points) L 1 , ... , L 5 . The existence of families of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits around these points is well known (see [20, 21, 22, 23, 37]). Among them, halo orbits are 3-dimensional periodic orbits diffeomorphic to circles. They are the first kind of the so-called Lissajous orbits. To be selfcontained,...

Estabilidad orbital de satélites estacionarios.

André Deprit, Teodoro López Moratalla (1996)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

For a satellite about an oblate planet in rotation about its axis of greatest inertia, conditions are given under which there may appear, in a frame fixed in the planet, two positions of equilibria with characteristic exponents that are purely imaginary. In which case, after appropriate normalization by Lie transformation executed mechanically through a symbolic algebraic processor, the theorem of Arnold about non definite quadratic forms is applied. It is concluded that the equilibria are stable...

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