Systèmes linéaires, hyperboliques non stricts

Jean Leray; Yujiro Ohya

Séminaire Jean Leray (1964)

  • Issue: 1, page 20-71

How to cite


Leray, Jean, and Ohya, Yujiro. "Systèmes linéaires, hyperboliques non stricts." Séminaire Jean Leray (1964): 20-71. <>.

author = {Leray, Jean, Ohya, Yujiro},
journal = {Séminaire Jean Leray},
keywords = {nonstrict linear hyperbolic systems},
language = {fre},
number = {1},
pages = {20-71},
publisher = {Collège de France},
title = {Systèmes linéaires, hyperboliques non stricts},
url = {},
year = {1964},

AU - Leray, Jean
AU - Ohya, Yujiro
TI - Systèmes linéaires, hyperboliques non stricts
JO - Séminaire Jean Leray
PY - 1964
PB - Collège de France
IS - 1
SP - 20
EP - 71
LA - fre
KW - nonstrict linear hyperbolic systems
UR -
ER -


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