A contribution to Gödel's axiomatic set theory, II: Basic notions and application of the theory of dyadic rings of the set theoretical type

Ladislav Rieger

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1959)

  • Volume: 09, Issue: 1, page 1-49
  • ISSN: 0011-4642

How to cite


Rieger, Ladislav. "A contribution to Gödel's axiomatic set theory, II: Basic notions and application of the theory of dyadic rings of the set theoretical type." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 09.1 (1959): 1-49. <http://eudml.org/doc/11964>.

author = {Rieger, Ladislav},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {philosophy and foundations of mathematics},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {1-49},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {A contribution to Gödel's axiomatic set theory, II: Basic notions and application of the theory of dyadic rings of the set theoretical type},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/11964},
volume = {09},
year = {1959},

AU - Rieger, Ladislav
TI - A contribution to Gödel's axiomatic set theory, II: Basic notions and application of the theory of dyadic rings of the set theoretical type
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1959
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 09
IS - 1
SP - 1
EP - 49
LA - eng
KW - philosophy and foundations of mathematics
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/11964
ER -


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