Application of the method of two-sided approximations to the investigation of periodic systems of ordinary differential equations with maxima

Pavel S. Simeonov; Drumi Dimitrov Bajnov

Archivum Mathematicum (1985)

  • Volume: 021, Issue: 2, page 65-75
  • ISSN: 0044-8753

How to cite


Simeonov, Pavel S., and Bajnov, Drumi Dimitrov. "Применение метода двусторонних приближений к исследованию периодических систем." Archivum Mathematicum 021.2 (1985): 65-75. <>.

author = {Simeonov, Pavel S., Bajnov, Drumi Dimitrov},
journal = {Archivum Mathematicum},
keywords = {differential equations with maxima; two-sided approximations},
language = {rus},
number = {2},
pages = {65-75},
publisher = {Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno},
title = {Применение метода двусторонних приближений к исследованию периодических систем},
url = {},
volume = {021},
year = {1985},

AU - Simeonov, Pavel S.
AU - Bajnov, Drumi Dimitrov
TI - Применение метода двусторонних приближений к исследованию периодических систем
JO - Archivum Mathematicum
PY - 1985
PB - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno
VL - 021
IS - 2
SP - 65
EP - 75
LA - rus
KW - differential equations with maxima; two-sided approximations
UR -
ER -


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