Towards a sketch based model of self-interpreters

A. C. Reeves

Diagrammes (1995)

  • Volume: 33, page I1-IX178
  • ISSN: 0224-3911

How to cite


Reeves, A. C.. "Towards a sketch based model of self-interpreters." Diagrammes 33 (1995): I1-IX178. <>.

author = {Reeves, A. C.},
journal = {Diagrammes},
keywords = {language processors; self-interpreter; category theory},
language = {eng},
pages = {I1-IX178},
publisher = {Université Paris 7, Unité d'enseignement et de recherche de mathématiques},
title = {Towards a sketch based model of self-interpreters},
url = {},
volume = {33},
year = {1995},

AU - Reeves, A. C.
TI - Towards a sketch based model of self-interpreters
JO - Diagrammes
PY - 1995
PB - Université Paris 7, Unité d'enseignement et de recherche de mathématiques
VL - 33
SP - I1
EP - IX178
LA - eng
KW - language processors; self-interpreter; category theory
UR -
ER -


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