Entropy flux far from equilibrium in solids and in non viscous gases

M. S. Mongiovì; R. A. Peruzza

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (2004)

  • Volume: 7-B, Issue: 2, page 381-396
  • ISSN: 0392-4041


One of the main question arising in Extended Thermodynamics concerns the physical meaning of the temperature far from equilibrium. Some authors define thermodynamic temperature T t h the inverse of the coefficient linking the entropy flux with the heat flux. Other authors, instead, define non-equilibrium temperature θ the inverse of the partial derivative of entropy with respect to energy, at density and heat flux constant. The aim of this paper is to determine the expression of entropy flux in some materials when phenomena far from equilibrium are considered, using the formulation of Extended Thermodynamics which uses the Lagrange multipliers, known as Rational Extended Thermodynamics. The case of thermal propagation that occurs in low-temperature crystals and the case of non viscous gases subject to heating are considered. It is shown that the non-equilibrium temperature and the thermodynamic temperature not agree, except near equilibrium, when second order terms in q i can be neglected. Approximate expressions for T t h and θ are determined in both cases.

How to cite


Mongiovì, M. S., and Peruzza, R. A.. "Entropy flux far from equilibrium in solids and in non viscous gases." Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 7-B.2 (2004): 381-396. <http://eudml.org/doc/195879>.

abstract = {One of the main question arising in Extended Thermodynamics concerns the physical meaning of the temperature far from equilibrium. Some authors define thermodynamic temperature $T_\{th\}$ the inverse of the coefficient linking the entropy flux with the heat flux. Other authors, instead, define non-equilibrium temperature $\theta$ the inverse of the partial derivative of entropy with respect to energy, at density and heat flux constant. The aim of this paper is to determine the expression of entropy flux in some materials when phenomena far from equilibrium are considered, using the formulation of Extended Thermodynamics which uses the Lagrange multipliers, known as Rational Extended Thermodynamics. The case of thermal propagation that occurs in low-temperature crystals and the case of non viscous gases subject to heating are considered. It is shown that the non-equilibrium temperature and the thermodynamic temperature not agree, except near equilibrium, when second order terms in $q_i$ can be neglected. Approximate expressions for $T_\{th\}$ and $\theta$ are determined in both cases.},
author = {Mongiovì, M. S., Peruzza, R. A.},
journal = {Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana},
language = {eng},
month = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {381-396},
publisher = {Unione Matematica Italiana},
title = {Entropy flux far from equilibrium in solids and in non viscous gases},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/195879},
volume = {7-B},
year = {2004},

AU - Mongiovì, M. S.
AU - Peruzza, R. A.
TI - Entropy flux far from equilibrium in solids and in non viscous gases
JO - Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
DA - 2004/6//
PB - Unione Matematica Italiana
VL - 7-B
IS - 2
SP - 381
EP - 396
AB - One of the main question arising in Extended Thermodynamics concerns the physical meaning of the temperature far from equilibrium. Some authors define thermodynamic temperature $T_{th}$ the inverse of the coefficient linking the entropy flux with the heat flux. Other authors, instead, define non-equilibrium temperature $\theta$ the inverse of the partial derivative of entropy with respect to energy, at density and heat flux constant. The aim of this paper is to determine the expression of entropy flux in some materials when phenomena far from equilibrium are considered, using the formulation of Extended Thermodynamics which uses the Lagrange multipliers, known as Rational Extended Thermodynamics. The case of thermal propagation that occurs in low-temperature crystals and the case of non viscous gases subject to heating are considered. It is shown that the non-equilibrium temperature and the thermodynamic temperature not agree, except near equilibrium, when second order terms in $q_i$ can be neglected. Approximate expressions for $T_{th}$ and $\theta$ are determined in both cases.
LA - eng
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/195879
ER -


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