Nonclassical interpolation in spaces of smooth functions

Vladimir Ovchinnikov

Studia Mathematica (1999)

  • Volume: 135, Issue: 3, page 203-218
  • ISSN: 0039-3223


We prove that the fractional BMO space on a one-dimensional manifold is an interpolation space between C and C 1 . We also prove that B M O 1 is an interpolation space between C and C 2 . The proof is based on some nonclassical interpolation constructions. The results obtained cannot be transferred to spaces of functions defined on manifolds of higher dimension. The interpolation description of fractional BMO spaces is used at the end of the paper for the proof of the boundedness of commutators of the Hilbert transform.

How to cite


Ovchinnikov, Vladimir. "Nonclassical interpolation in spaces of smooth functions." Studia Mathematica 135.3 (1999): 203-218. <>.

abstract = {We prove that the fractional BMO space on a one-dimensional manifold is an interpolation space between C and $C^1$. We also prove that $BMO^1$ is an interpolation space between C and $C^2$. The proof is based on some nonclassical interpolation constructions. The results obtained cannot be transferred to spaces of functions defined on manifolds of higher dimension. The interpolation description of fractional BMO spaces is used at the end of the paper for the proof of the boundedness of commutators of the Hilbert transform.},
author = {Ovchinnikov, Vladimir},
journal = {Studia Mathematica},
keywords = {bounded mean oscillation; inhomogeneous BMO-space; Bessel-potential; non-classical interpolation method},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {203-218},
title = {Nonclassical interpolation in spaces of smooth functions},
url = {},
volume = {135},
year = {1999},

AU - Ovchinnikov, Vladimir
TI - Nonclassical interpolation in spaces of smooth functions
JO - Studia Mathematica
PY - 1999
VL - 135
IS - 3
SP - 203
EP - 218
AB - We prove that the fractional BMO space on a one-dimensional manifold is an interpolation space between C and $C^1$. We also prove that $BMO^1$ is an interpolation space between C and $C^2$. The proof is based on some nonclassical interpolation constructions. The results obtained cannot be transferred to spaces of functions defined on manifolds of higher dimension. The interpolation description of fractional BMO spaces is used at the end of the paper for the proof of the boundedness of commutators of the Hilbert transform.
LA - eng
KW - bounded mean oscillation; inhomogeneous BMO-space; Bessel-potential; non-classical interpolation method
UR -
ER -


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