The commutators of analysis and interpolation

Cerdà, Joan

  • Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications, Publisher: Czech Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute(Praha), page 21-72


The boundedness properties of commutators for operators are of central importance in Mathematical Analysis, and some of these commutators arise in a natural way from interpolation theory. Our aim is to present a general abstract method to prove the boundedness of the commutator [ T , Ω ] for linear operators T and certain unbounded operators Ω that appear in interpolation theory, previously known and a priori unrelated for both real and complex interpolation methods, and also to show how the abstract result applies to some very concrete examples. In Section 1 some examples are given to present some instances where these commutators are used in Analysis. Section 2 is the basic one and contains a general “commutator theorem” for operators of interpolation methods, and the basic idea is that Ω appears as a combination of two admissible interpolation methods, Φ and Ψ , that correspond to Φ ( F ) = F ( ϑ ) and Ψ ( f ) = F ' ( ϑ ) in the case of the complex method, with Ω ( f ) = Ψ ( F ) if Φ ( F ) = f (with a natural boundedness condition over the norms). Section 3 deals with the complex interpolation method and contains typical applications to commutators with pointwise multipliers. Section 4 refers to the real method, and an application to commutators with Fourier multipliers is included.

How to cite


Cerdà, Joan. "The commutators of analysis and interpolation." Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications. Praha: Czech Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, 2003. 21-72. <>.

abstract = {The boundedness properties of commutators for operators are of central importance in Mathematical Analysis, and some of these commutators arise in a natural way from interpolation theory. Our aim is to present a general abstract method to prove the boundedness of the commutator $[T,\Omega ]$ for linear operators $T$ and certain unbounded operators $\Omega $ that appear in interpolation theory, previously known and a priori unrelated for both real and complex interpolation methods, and also to show how the abstract result applies to some very concrete examples. In Section 1 some examples are given to present some instances where these commutators are used in Analysis. Section 2 is the basic one and contains a general “commutator theorem” for operators of interpolation methods, and the basic idea is that $\Omega $ appears as a combination of two admissible interpolation methods, $\Phi $ and $\Psi $, that correspond to $\Phi (F)=F(\vartheta )$ and $\Psi (f)=F^\{\prime \}(\vartheta )$ in the case of the complex method, with $\Omega (f)=\Psi (F)$ if $\Phi (F)=f$ (with a natural boundedness condition over the norms). Section 3 deals with the complex interpolation method and contains typical applications to commutators with pointwise multipliers. Section 4 refers to the real method, and an application to commutators with Fourier multipliers is included.},
author = {Cerdà, Joan},
booktitle = {Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications},
keywords = {Commutator; interpolation; complex method; real method; multiplier},
location = {Praha},
pages = {21-72},
publisher = {Czech Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute},
title = {The commutators of analysis and interpolation},
url = {},
year = {2003},

AU - Cerdà, Joan
TI - The commutators of analysis and interpolation
T2 - Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications
PY - 2003
CY - Praha
PB - Czech Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute
SP - 21
EP - 72
AB - The boundedness properties of commutators for operators are of central importance in Mathematical Analysis, and some of these commutators arise in a natural way from interpolation theory. Our aim is to present a general abstract method to prove the boundedness of the commutator $[T,\Omega ]$ for linear operators $T$ and certain unbounded operators $\Omega $ that appear in interpolation theory, previously known and a priori unrelated for both real and complex interpolation methods, and also to show how the abstract result applies to some very concrete examples. In Section 1 some examples are given to present some instances where these commutators are used in Analysis. Section 2 is the basic one and contains a general “commutator theorem” for operators of interpolation methods, and the basic idea is that $\Omega $ appears as a combination of two admissible interpolation methods, $\Phi $ and $\Psi $, that correspond to $\Phi (F)=F(\vartheta )$ and $\Psi (f)=F^{\prime }(\vartheta )$ in the case of the complex method, with $\Omega (f)=\Psi (F)$ if $\Phi (F)=f$ (with a natural boundedness condition over the norms). Section 3 deals with the complex interpolation method and contains typical applications to commutators with pointwise multipliers. Section 4 refers to the real method, and an application to commutators with Fourier multipliers is included.
KW - Commutator; interpolation; complex method; real method; multiplier
UR -
ER -


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