On shuffle ideals

Pierre-Cyrille Héam

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications (2002)

  • Volume: 36, Issue: 4, page 359-384
  • ISSN: 0988-3754


A shuffle ideal is a language which is a finite union of languages of the form A * a 1 A * A * a k A * where A is a finite alphabet and the a i ’s are letters. We show how to represent shuffle ideals by special automata and how to compute these representations. We also give a temporal logic characterization of shuffle ideals and we study its expressive power over infinite words. We characterize the complexity of deciding whether a language is a shuffle ideal and we give a new quadratic algorithm for this problem. Finally we also present a characterization by subwords of the minimal automaton of a shuffle ideal and study the complexity of basic operations on shuffle ideals.

How to cite


Héam, Pierre-Cyrille. "On shuffle ideals." RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications 36.4 (2002): 359-384. <http://eudml.org/doc/245355>.

abstract = {A shuffle ideal is a language which is a finite union of languages of the form $A^*a_1A^*\cdots A^*a_kA^*$ where $A$ is a finite alphabet and the $a_i$’s are letters. We show how to represent shuffle ideals by special automata and how to compute these representations. We also give a temporal logic characterization of shuffle ideals and we study its expressive power over infinite words. We characterize the complexity of deciding whether a language is a shuffle ideal and we give a new quadratic algorithm for this problem. Finally we also present a characterization by subwords of the minimal automaton of a shuffle ideal and study the complexity of basic operations on shuffle ideals.},
author = {Héam, Pierre-Cyrille},
journal = {RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications},
keywords = {automata; complexity; subwords},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {359-384},
publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
title = {On shuffle ideals},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/245355},
volume = {36},
year = {2002},

AU - Héam, Pierre-Cyrille
TI - On shuffle ideals
JO - RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
PY - 2002
PB - EDP-Sciences
VL - 36
IS - 4
SP - 359
EP - 384
AB - A shuffle ideal is a language which is a finite union of languages of the form $A^*a_1A^*\cdots A^*a_kA^*$ where $A$ is a finite alphabet and the $a_i$’s are letters. We show how to represent shuffle ideals by special automata and how to compute these representations. We also give a temporal logic characterization of shuffle ideals and we study its expressive power over infinite words. We characterize the complexity of deciding whether a language is a shuffle ideal and we give a new quadratic algorithm for this problem. Finally we also present a characterization by subwords of the minimal automaton of a shuffle ideal and study the complexity of basic operations on shuffle ideals.
LA - eng
KW - automata; complexity; subwords
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/245355
ER -


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