Sixtieth birthday of Professor Ivan Kolář

Archivum Mathematicum (1996)

  • Volume: 032, Issue: 4, page 241-248
  • ISSN: 0044-8753

How to cite


"Sixtieth birthday of Professor Ivan Kolář." Archivum Mathematicum 032.4 (1996): 241-248. <>.

journal = {Archivum Mathematicum},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {241-248},
publisher = {Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno},
title = {Sixtieth birthday of Professor Ivan Kolář},
url = {},
volume = {032},
year = {1996},

TI - Sixtieth birthday of Professor Ivan Kolář
JO - Archivum Mathematicum
PY - 1996
PB - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno
VL - 032
IS - 4
SP - 241
EP - 248
LA - eng
UR -
ER -


  1. The application of Cartan’s method to general nets on surfaces in three-dimensional projective space (Czech), Rozpravy CSAV, Academia, Praha 1967. 
  2. Introduction into Thom’s catastrophe theory (Czech), Academia, Praha 1988. 
  3. Structured Bundles, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna 1991. 
  4. Natural Operations in Differential Geometry, Springer–Verlag, 1993. MR1202431
  5. The mathematical legacy of Eduard Čech, Academia Praha–Birkhauser Basel, 1993. MR1269142
  6. La méthode du réperage des systemes de sous-variétés, CMUC 5 (1964), 183–201. (1964) MR0175050
  7. On Lenz’s problem on the independence of the axioms of affine space, CMUC 6 (1965), 339–346. (1965) MR0192385
  8. Conjugate nets of axial and axial-radial types with respect to the congruences of canonical lines with variable index (Russian), Čas. pěst. mat. 91 (1966), 64–71. (1966) MR0195009
  9. Geometric structure with Hilbert’s axioms of incidence and order, Čas. pěst. mat. 91 (1966), 384–388. (1966) MR0208450
  10. On extended connections, CMUC 9 (1968), 687–690. (1968) MR0246217
  11. On the higher order connections on principal fiber bundles (Czech), Sborník VAAZ Brno, řada B (1969), 39–47. (1969) 
  12. Order of holonomy and geometric objects of manifolds with connection, CMUC 10 (1969), 559–565. (1969) MR0264539
  13. Geometric objects of submanifolds of a space with fundamental Lie pseudogroup, CMUC 11 (1970), 227–234. (1970) MR0266081
  14. Order of holonomy of a surface with projective connection, Čas. pest. mat. 96 (1971), 73–80. (1971) MR0286026
  15. Complex velocities on real manifolds, Czechoslovak Math. J. 21 (1971), 118–123. (1971) MR0276884
  16. On the torsion of spaces with connection, Czechoslovak Math. J. 21 (1971), 124–136. (1971) MR0293531
  17. Higher order torsions of spaces with Cartan connection, Cahiers Topol. Géom. Diff. 12 (1971), 137–146. (1971) MR0315619
  18. Canonical forms on the prolongations of principal fibre bundles, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 16 (1971), 1091–1106. (1971) MR0301668
  19. On the prolongations of geometric object fields, An. Sti. Univ. ’Al. I. Cuza’ Iasi 17 (1971), 437–446. (1971) MR0305278
  20. The contact of spaces with connection, J. Differential Geometry 7 (1972), 563–570. (1972) MR0415660
  21. Higher order torsions of manifolds with connection, Arch. Math. (Brno) 8 (1972), 149–156. (1972) MR0331265
  22. A generalized point of view to osculating spaces, Rendiconti di Matematica, (4), Serie VI 5 (1972), 731–743. (1972) MR0334041
  23. On the absolute differentiation of geometric object fields, Ann. Polon. Math. 27 (1973), 293–304. (1973) MR0326593
  24. On manifolds with connection, Czechoslovak Math. J. 23 (1973), 34–44. (1973) MR0315620
  25. On the prolongations of differentiable distributions, Matematický časopis SAV 23 (1973), 317–325. (1973) MR0336770
  26. On the infinitesimal geometric objects of submanifolds, Arch. Math. (Brno) 9 (1973), 203–211. (1973) MR0375113
  27. Some higher order operations with connections (preliminary communication), CMUC 14 (1973), 761–766. (1973) MR0343202
  28. On the reducibility of connections on the prolongations of vector bundles, Colloq. Math. 30 (1974), 245–257. (1974) MR0372903
  29. Some higher order operations with connections, Czechoslovak Math. J. 24 (1974), 311–330. (1974) MR0356114
  30. On some operations with connections, Math. Nachrichten 69 (1975), 297–306. (1975) MR0391157
  31. A generalization of the torsion form, Čas. pěst. mat. 100 (1975), 284–290. (1975) MR0383287
  32. Generalized G-structures and G-structures of higher order, Boll. Un. Mat. Ital., Suppl. fasc. 3 12 (1975), 245–256. (1975) MR0445424
  33. On the Hamilton formalism in fibered manifolds, Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. UJEP Brunensis, Physica 5 (1975), 249–254. (1975) MR0442978
  34. Affine differential operators and the Hamilton formalism, Knižnice VUT Brno B56 (1975), 17–21. (1975) MR0402811
  35. On the jet prolongations of smooth categories, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. math. 24 (1976), 883–887. (1976) MR0436190
  36. On the invariant method in differential geometry of submanifolds, Czechoslovak Math. J. 27 (1977), 96–113. (1977) MR0428231
  37. On the Euler-Lagrange differential in fibered manifolds, Reports on Mathematical Physics 12 (1977), 301–305. (1977) MR0501101
  38. Fundamental vector fields on associated fiber bundles, Čas. pěst. mat. 102 (1977), 419–425. (1977) MR0482887
  39. Induced connections and connection morphisms, CSSR-GDR-Polish Scientific School on Differential Geometry, Proceedings (1978), 125–132. (1978) 
  40. Structure morphisms of prolongation functors, Math. Slovaca 30 (1980), 83–93. (1980) MR0568217
  41. On the automorphisms of principal fiber bundles, CMUC 21 (1980), 309–312. (1980) MR0580685
  42. Lie derivatives and natural operators, Eighth Winter School on Abstract Analysis, Abstracts, Mathematical Institute of the CSAV, Praha (1980), 108–109. (1980) 
  43. On generalized connections, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie 11 (1981), 29–34. (1981) MR0680454
  44. Connections in 2-fibered manifolds, Arch. Math. (Brno) 17 (1981), 23–30. (1981) MR0672485
  45. Fiber parallelism and connections, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 838, Springer-Verlag (1981), 165–173. (1981) MR0636278
  46. Lie derivatives on vector bundles, Proceedings of the Conference on Diff. Geom. and its Applications, Universita Karlova Praha (1982), 111–116. (1982) MR0663218
  47. Lie derivatives and higher order Lagrangians, Proceedings of the Conference on Diff. Geom. and its Applications, Universita Karlova Praha (1982), 117–123. (1982) MR0663219
  48. Prolongations of generalized connections, Colloquia Matematica Societatis János Bolyai, 31. Differential Geometry, Proceedings, North Holland (1982), 317–325. (1982) MR0706928
  49. Structure equations of generalized connections, Čas. pěst. mat. 107 (1982), 253–256. (1982) MR0673050
  50. On the second tangent bundle and generalized Lie derivatives, Tensor, N. S. 38 (1982), 98–102. (1982) MR0832633
  51. On the higher order Poincaré-Cartan forms, Czechoslovak Math. J. 33 (1983), 467–475. (1983) MR0718929
  52. Functorial prolongations of Lie groups and their actions, Čas. pěst. mat. 108 (1983), 289–293. (1983) MR0716414
  53. Some geometric aspects of the higher order variational calculus, Proceedings of the Conference on Diff. Geom. and its Applications, Nové Město na Moravě 2 (1983), 155–166. (1983) MR0793206
  54. Higher order absolute differentiation with respect to generalized connections, Differential Geometry, Banach Center Publications 12 (1984), 153–162. (1984) MR0961078
  55. A geometrical version of the higher order Hamilton formalism in fibered manifolds, J. Geometry and Physics 1 (1984), 127–137. (1984) MR0794983
  56. Natural transformations of the second tangent functor into itself, Arch. Math. (Brno) 20 (1984), 169–172. (1984) MR0784868
  57. On the structure function of a G-structure, Math. Slovaca 35 (1985), 277–282. (1985) MR0808363
  58. On the connections naturally induced on the second order frame bundle, Arch. Math. (Brno) 22 (1986), 21–28. (1986) MR0868117
  59. Natural operations with connections on second order frame bundles, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 46. Topics in Differential Geometry, Proceedings, North Holland (1986), 715–732. (1986) MR0933869
  60. Covariant approach to natural transformations of Weil functors, CMUC 27 (1986), 723–729. (1986) MR0874666
  61. Some natural operators in differential geometry, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Proceedings, D. Reidel (1987), 91–110. (1987) MR0923346
  62. Natural operations with second order jets, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 14 (1987), 179–186. (1987) MR0920854
  63. All natural concomitants of vector valued differential forms, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 16 (1987), 101–108. (1987) MR0946715
  64. Some natural operations with connections, J. of National Academy of India 5 (1987), 127–141. (1987) MR0994555
  65. Natural transformations of second tangent and cotangent functors, Czechoslovak Math. J. 38 (1988), 274–279. (1988) MR0946296
  66. On the natural operators on vector fields, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 6 (1988), 109–117. (1988) MR0982760
  67. Lie derivatives of sectorform fields, Colloq. Math. LV (1988), 71–78. (1988) MR0964324
  68. Functorial prolongations of r-connections, Lecture Notes KMU Leipzig 88-08 (1988), 1-10. (1988) 
  69. On the natural operators transforming connections to the tangent bundle of a fibred manifold, Knižnice VUT Brno B119 (1988), 47–56. (1988) 
  70. Natural transformations of higher order tangent bundles and jet spaces, Čas. pěst. mat. 114 (1989), 181–185. (1989) MR1063764
  71. On the geometric functors on manifolds, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 21 (1989), 223–233. (1989) MR1009575
  72. On some gauge-natural operators, Seminari dell’Istituto di Matematica Applicata, Firenze (l989), 1–11. (l989) 
  73. On the algebraic structure on the bundles of higher order velocities, Seminari dell’Istituto di Matematica Applicata, Firenze (1989), 1–17. (1989) 
  74. Natural operators transforming vector fields and exterior forms into exterior forms, Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Slaskej, Matematyka-Fizyka 64 (1990), 135–139. (1990) 
  75. Prolongation of vector fields to jet bundles, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 22 (1990), 103–111. (1990) MR1061792
  76. General natural bundles and operators, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Proceedings, Brno, World Scientific (1990), 69–78. (1990) MR1062007
  77. On the algebraic structure on the jet prolongations of fibered manifolds, Czechoslovak Math. J. 40 (1990), 601–611. (1990) MR1084896
  78. Some gauge-natural operators on linear connections, Monatshefte Math. 111 (1991), 23–33. (1991) MR1089381
  79. Natural maps on the iterated jet prolongation of a fibered manifold, Annali di Mat. pura ed applicata CLVIII (1991), 151–165. (1991) MR1131848
  80. Gauge-natural operators transforming connections to the tangent bundle, The Mathematical Heritage of C. F. Gauss, World Scientific (1991), 416–426. (1991) MR1146244
  81. General structured bundles, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 26 (1991), 105–111. (1991) MR1151895
  82. Natural affinors on time-dependent Weil bundles, Arch. Math. (Brno) 27 (1991), 205–209. (1991) MR1189217
  83. Natural bundles and operators (Russian), Problemy geometrii, VINITI Moskva 23 (1991), 67–98. (1991) MR1152586
  84. Special tangent-valued forms and the Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket, Arch. Math. (Brno) 29 (1991), 71–82. (1991) MR1242630
  85. Some gauge-natural operators on connections, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 56. Differential Geometry, Proceedings, Janos Bolayi Math. Soc. Budapest and Elsevier, Amsterdam (1992), 435–445. (1992) MR1211672
  86. Torsions of connections on some natural bundles, Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 (1992), 1–16. (1992) MR1244453
  87. Natural affinors on the extended r-th order tangent bundles, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 30 (1993), 95–100. (1993) MR1246623
  88. Gauge-natural forms of Chern-Weil type, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 11 (1993), 41–47. (1993) MR1201410
  89. An abstract characterization of the jet spaces, Cahiers Topol. Géom. Diff. Catégoriques XXXIV (1993), 121–125. (1993) MR1223655
  90. On the natural operators transforming vector fields to the r-th order tensor power, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 32 (1993), 15–20. (1993) MR1283617
  91. Natural operators related with the variational calculus, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Proceedings Opava (1993), 461–472. MR1255562
  92. On cotangent bundles of some natural bundles, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 37 (1994), 115–120. (1994) MR1344006
  93. Prolongation of tangent valued forms to Weil bundles, Arch. Math. (Brno) 31 (1995), 139–145. (1995) MR1357981
  94. Connections on some functional bundles, Czechoslovak Math. J. 45 (1995), 529–548. (1995) MR1344519
  95. Torsion-free connections on higher order frame bundles, New Developments in Differential Geometry, Proceedings, Kluwer (1996), 233–241. (1996) MR1377287
  96. Recent results and new ideas on Weil bundles, Proceedings of the Conference on Geometry and Topology, Timisoara, July 5–9, 1994, Editura MIRTON, Timisoara, 1996, 127–136. 
  97. An infinite dimensional motivation in higher order geometry, Differential Geometry and Applications, Proceedings, Masaryk University, Brno, 1996, 151–159. MR1406335
  98. Natural operations on higher order tangent bundles, Extracta Matematica 11 (1996), 106-115. (1996) MR1424748
  99. Connections in first principal prolongations, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 43 (1996), 163–171. (1996) MR1463518
  100. The Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket on some functional spaces, to appear in Ann. Polon. Math.. MR1610540
  101. The universal connection of an arbitrary system, to appear in Annali di Mat.. MR1746921
  102. On the iterated absolute differentiation on some functional bundles, to appear in Arch. Math. (Brno). MR1464298
  103. On holonomicity criteria in second order geometry, to appear. MR1642743
  104. 60th anniversary of birthday of Karel Svoboda (Czech), Pokroky MFA 24 (1979), 53–54. (1979) 
  105. Cogitation about differential geometric work of Eduard Čech (Czech), Pokroky MFA 25 (1980), 306–312. (1980) MR0624783
  106. Czech geometry in last fourty years and some contemporary trends in differential geometry (Czech), Sborník: Vývoj matematiky v ČSR v období 1945-1985 a její perspektivy, Universita Karlova, Praha 1986, 70–87. 
  107. Geometry in contemporary mathematics and its role in education (Czech), Pokroky MFA 34 (1989), 41–54. (1989) 
  108. About the testament of Professor Pelíšek (Czech), Pokroky MFA 37 (1992), 303–304. (1992) 
  109. Professor Eduard Čech (Czech), Sborník: Brněnská věda a umění meziválečného období (1918-1939) v evropském kontextu, Masarykova universita, Brno 1993, 212–214. 
  110. 100th anniversary of birthday of Eduard Čech, Arch. Math. (Brno) 29 (1993), i-ii. (1993) MR1242621
  111. 100th anniversary of birthday of Eduard Čech, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 37 (1994), 13–14. (1994) MR1343996
  112. Some contemporary trends in mathematics and their relations to mathematical physics (Czech), Sborník: University na prahu nového tisíciletí, Masarykova universita, Brno 1995 I, 311–315. 
  113. The role of geometry in contemporary mathematics (Czech), Matematika-fyzika-informatika 5 (1995/96), 393–398. (1995/96) 
  114. Ladislav Seifert, Folia Historica, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno No 32 (May 1996). (May 1996) 
  115. Eduard Čech, Folia Historica, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno No 34 (June 1996). (June 1996) 
  116. Erlangen Program (Czech), Matematika v 19. století, Sborník, Prometheus Praha 1996, 83-87. MR1889802

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