Model selection for estimating the non zero components of a Gaussian vector

Sylvie Huet

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (2006)

  • Volume: 10, page 164-183
  • ISSN: 1292-8100


We propose a method based on a penalised likelihood criterion, for estimating the number on non-zero components of the mean of a Gaussian vector. Following the work of Birgé and Massart in Gaussian model selection, we choose the penalty function such that the resulting estimator minimises the Kullback risk.

How to cite


Huet, Sylvie. "Model selection for estimating the non zero components of a Gaussian vector." ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 10 (2006): 164-183. <>.

abstract = { We propose a method based on a penalised likelihood criterion, for estimating the number on non-zero components of the mean of a Gaussian vector. Following the work of Birgé and Massart in Gaussian model selection, we choose the penalty function such that the resulting estimator minimises the Kullback risk. },
author = {Huet, Sylvie},
journal = {ESAIM: Probability and Statistics},
keywords = {Kullback risk; model selection; penalised likelihood criteria.; penalised likelihood criteria},
language = {eng},
month = {3},
pages = {164-183},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {Model selection for estimating the non zero components of a Gaussian vector},
url = {},
volume = {10},
year = {2006},

AU - Huet, Sylvie
TI - Model selection for estimating the non zero components of a Gaussian vector
JO - ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
DA - 2006/3//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 10
SP - 164
EP - 183
AB - We propose a method based on a penalised likelihood criterion, for estimating the number on non-zero components of the mean of a Gaussian vector. Following the work of Birgé and Massart in Gaussian model selection, we choose the penalty function such that the resulting estimator minimises the Kullback risk.
LA - eng
KW - Kullback risk; model selection; penalised likelihood criteria.; penalised likelihood criteria
UR -
ER -


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