Some new transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey pairs

James Mc Laughlin

Open Mathematics (2010)

  • Volume: 8, Issue: 3, page 474-487
  • ISSN: 2391-5455


We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.

How to cite


James Mc Laughlin. "Some new transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey pairs." Open Mathematics 8.3 (2010): 474-487. <>.

abstract = {We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.},
author = {James Mc Laughlin},
journal = {Open Mathematics},
keywords = {Bailey pairs; WP-Bailey Chains; WP-Bailey pairs; Lambert Series; Basic Hypergeometric Series; q-series; Theta series; WP-Bailey chains; Lambert series; basic hypergeometric series; theta series},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {474-487},
title = {Some new transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey pairs},
url = {},
volume = {8},
year = {2010},

AU - James Mc Laughlin
TI - Some new transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey pairs
JO - Open Mathematics
PY - 2010
VL - 8
IS - 3
SP - 474
EP - 487
AB - We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.
LA - eng
KW - Bailey pairs; WP-Bailey Chains; WP-Bailey pairs; Lambert Series; Basic Hypergeometric Series; q-series; Theta series; WP-Bailey chains; Lambert series; basic hypergeometric series; theta series
UR -
ER -


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