Portfolio optimization for pension plans under hybrid stochastic and local volatility

Sung-Jin Yang; Jeong-Hoon Kim; Min-Ku Lee

Applications of Mathematics (2015)

  • Volume: 60, Issue: 2, page 197-215
  • ISSN: 0862-7940


Based upon an observation that it is too restrictive to assume a definite correlation of the underlying asset price and its volatility, we use a hybrid model of the constant elasticity of variance and stochastic volatility to study a portfolio optimization problem for pension plans. By using asymptotic analysis, we derive a correction to the optimal strategy for the constant elasticity of variance model and subsequently the fine structure of the corrected optimal strategy is revealed. The result is a generalization of Merton's strategy in terms of the stochastic volatility and the elasticity of variance.

How to cite


Yang, Sung-Jin, Kim, Jeong-Hoon, and Lee, Min-Ku. "Portfolio optimization for pension plans under hybrid stochastic and local volatility." Applications of Mathematics 60.2 (2015): 197-215. <http://eudml.org/doc/269889>.

abstract = {Based upon an observation that it is too restrictive to assume a definite correlation of the underlying asset price and its volatility, we use a hybrid model of the constant elasticity of variance and stochastic volatility to study a portfolio optimization problem for pension plans. By using asymptotic analysis, we derive a correction to the optimal strategy for the constant elasticity of variance model and subsequently the fine structure of the corrected optimal strategy is revealed. The result is a generalization of Merton's strategy in terms of the stochastic volatility and the elasticity of variance.},
author = {Yang, Sung-Jin, Kim, Jeong-Hoon, Lee, Min-Ku},
journal = {Applications of Mathematics},
keywords = {pension plan; portfolio optimization; constant elasticity of variance; stochastic volatility; asymptotic analysis; pension plan; portfolio optimization; constant elasticity of variance; stochastic volatility; asymptotic analysis},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {197-215},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Portfolio optimization for pension plans under hybrid stochastic and local volatility},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/269889},
volume = {60},
year = {2015},

AU - Yang, Sung-Jin
AU - Kim, Jeong-Hoon
AU - Lee, Min-Ku
TI - Portfolio optimization for pension plans under hybrid stochastic and local volatility
JO - Applications of Mathematics
PY - 2015
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 60
IS - 2
SP - 197
EP - 215
AB - Based upon an observation that it is too restrictive to assume a definite correlation of the underlying asset price and its volatility, we use a hybrid model of the constant elasticity of variance and stochastic volatility to study a portfolio optimization problem for pension plans. By using asymptotic analysis, we derive a correction to the optimal strategy for the constant elasticity of variance model and subsequently the fine structure of the corrected optimal strategy is revealed. The result is a generalization of Merton's strategy in terms of the stochastic volatility and the elasticity of variance.
LA - eng
KW - pension plan; portfolio optimization; constant elasticity of variance; stochastic volatility; asymptotic analysis; pension plan; portfolio optimization; constant elasticity of variance; stochastic volatility; asymptotic analysis
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/269889
ER -


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