A note on certain ergodicity coeflcients

Francesco Tudisco

Special Matrices (2015)

  • Volume: 3, Issue: 1, page 175-185, electronic only
  • ISSN: 2300-7451


We investigate two ergodicity coefficients ɸ ∥∥ and τn−1, originally introduced to bound the subdominant eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices. The former has been generalized to complex matrices in recent years and several properties for such generalized version have been shown so far.We provide a further result concerning the limit of its powers. Then we propose a generalization of the second coefficient τ n−1 and we show that, under mild conditions, it can be used to recast the eigenvector problem Ax = x as a particular M-matrix linear system, whose coefficient matrix can be defined in terms of the entries of A. Such property turns out to generalize the two known equivalent formulations of the Pagerank centrality of a graph.

How to cite


Francesco Tudisco. "A note on certain ergodicity coeflcients." Special Matrices 3.1 (2015): 175-185, electronic only. <http://eudml.org/doc/271790>.

abstract = {We investigate two ergodicity coefficients ɸ ∥∥ and τn−1, originally introduced to bound the subdominant eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices. The former has been generalized to complex matrices in recent years and several properties for such generalized version have been shown so far.We provide a further result concerning the limit of its powers. Then we propose a generalization of the second coefficient τ n−1 and we show that, under mild conditions, it can be used to recast the eigenvector problem Ax = x as a particular M-matrix linear system, whose coefficient matrix can be defined in terms of the entries of A. Such property turns out to generalize the two known equivalent formulations of the Pagerank centrality of a graph.},
author = {Francesco Tudisco},
journal = {Special Matrices},
keywords = {Ergodicity coefficients; Eigenvalues; Nonnegative matrices; Linear systems; Pagerank; ergodicity coefficients; eigenvalues; nonnegative matrices; linear systems; -matrix linear system},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {175-185, electronic only},
title = {A note on certain ergodicity coeflcients},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/271790},
volume = {3},
year = {2015},

AU - Francesco Tudisco
TI - A note on certain ergodicity coeflcients
JO - Special Matrices
PY - 2015
VL - 3
IS - 1
SP - 175
EP - 185, electronic only
AB - We investigate two ergodicity coefficients ɸ ∥∥ and τn−1, originally introduced to bound the subdominant eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices. The former has been generalized to complex matrices in recent years and several properties for such generalized version have been shown so far.We provide a further result concerning the limit of its powers. Then we propose a generalization of the second coefficient τ n−1 and we show that, under mild conditions, it can be used to recast the eigenvector problem Ax = x as a particular M-matrix linear system, whose coefficient matrix can be defined in terms of the entries of A. Such property turns out to generalize the two known equivalent formulations of the Pagerank centrality of a graph.
LA - eng
KW - Ergodicity coefficients; Eigenvalues; Nonnegative matrices; Linear systems; Pagerank; ergodicity coefficients; eigenvalues; nonnegative matrices; linear systems; -matrix linear system
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/271790
ER -


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