Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs

Eric Bahuaud; Rafe Mazzeo; Eric Woolgar

Geometric Flows (2015)

  • Volume: 1, Issue: 1
  • ISSN: 2353-3382


We study the evolution of the renormalized volume functional for even-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics (M, g) under normalized Ricci flow. In particular, we prove that [...] where S(g(t)) is the scalar curvature for the evolving metric g(t). This implies that if S +n(n − 1) ≥ 0 at t = 0, then RenV(Mn , g(t)) decreases monotonically. For odd-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics with vanishing obstruction tensor,we find that the conformal anomaly for these metrics is constant along the flow. We apply our results to the Hawking-Page phase transition in black hole thermodynamics.We compute renormalized volumes for the Einstein 4-metrics sharing the conformal infinity of an AdS-Schwarzschild black hole. We compare these to the free energies relative to thermal hyperbolic space, as originally computed by Hawking and Page using a different regularization technique, and find that they are equal.

How to cite


Eric Bahuaud, Rafe Mazzeo, and Eric Woolgar. "Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs." Geometric Flows 1.1 (2015): null. <>.

abstract = {We study the evolution of the renormalized volume functional for even-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics (M, g) under normalized Ricci flow. In particular, we prove that [...] where S(g(t)) is the scalar curvature for the evolving metric g(t). This implies that if S +n(n − 1) ≥ 0 at t = 0, then RenV(Mn , g(t)) decreases monotonically. For odd-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics with vanishing obstruction tensor,we find that the conformal anomaly for these metrics is constant along the flow. We apply our results to the Hawking-Page phase transition in black hole thermodynamics.We compute renormalized volumes for the Einstein 4-metrics sharing the conformal infinity of an AdS-Schwarzschild black hole. We compare these to the free energies relative to thermal hyperbolic space, as originally computed by Hawking and Page using a different regularization technique, and find that they are equal.},
author = {Eric Bahuaud, Rafe Mazzeo, Eric Woolgar},
journal = {Geometric Flows},
keywords = {Ricci flow; conformally compact metrics; asymptotically hyperbolic metrics; renormalized volume; black hole thermodynamics},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {null},
title = {Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs},
url = {},
volume = {1},
year = {2015},

AU - Eric Bahuaud
AU - Rafe Mazzeo
AU - Eric Woolgar
TI - Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs
JO - Geometric Flows
PY - 2015
VL - 1
IS - 1
SP - null
AB - We study the evolution of the renormalized volume functional for even-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics (M, g) under normalized Ricci flow. In particular, we prove that [...] where S(g(t)) is the scalar curvature for the evolving metric g(t). This implies that if S +n(n − 1) ≥ 0 at t = 0, then RenV(Mn , g(t)) decreases monotonically. For odd-dimensional asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein metrics with vanishing obstruction tensor,we find that the conformal anomaly for these metrics is constant along the flow. We apply our results to the Hawking-Page phase transition in black hole thermodynamics.We compute renormalized volumes for the Einstein 4-metrics sharing the conformal infinity of an AdS-Schwarzschild black hole. We compare these to the free energies relative to thermal hyperbolic space, as originally computed by Hawking and Page using a different regularization technique, and find that they are equal.
LA - eng
KW - Ricci flow; conformally compact metrics; asymptotically hyperbolic metrics; renormalized volume; black hole thermodynamics
UR -
ER -


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