Robust time series analysis: a survey
Norbert Stockinger; Rudolf Dutter
Kybernetika (1987)
- Volume: 23, Issue: Suppl, page (1)-88
- ISSN: 0023-5954
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topStockinger, Norbert, and Dutter, Rudolf. "Robust time series analysis: a survey." Kybernetika 23.Suppl (1987): (1)-88. <>.
author = {Stockinger, Norbert, Dutter, Rudolf},
journal = {Kybernetika},
keywords = {concepts of robustness; time series models; maximum likelihood type estimation; Robust estimation; ARMA models; outlier; model selection problems; robust filtering; robust smoothing; Monte Carlo results; review; algorithms; numerical procedures},
language = {eng},
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KW - concepts of robustness; time series models; maximum likelihood type estimation; Robust estimation; ARMA models; outlier; model selection problems; robust filtering; robust smoothing; Monte Carlo results; review; algorithms; numerical procedures
UR -
ER -
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- Jiří Michálek, Robust methods in exponential smoothing
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