D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations

Krystyna Katulska; Łukasz Smaga

Kybernetika (2016)

  • Volume: 52, Issue: 4, page 575-588
  • ISSN: 0023-5954


In this paper we consider D-optimal and highly D-efficient chemical balance weighing designs. The errors are assumed to be equally non-negatively correlated and to have equal variances. Some necessary and sufficient conditions under which a design is D*-optimal design (regular D-optimal design) are proved. It is also shown that in many cases D*-optimal design does not exist. In many of those cases the designs constructed by Masaro and Wong (2008) and some new designs are shown to be highly D-efficient. Theoretical results are accompanied by numerical search, suggesting D-optimality of designs under consideration.

How to cite


Katulska, Krystyna, and Smaga, Łukasz. "D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations." Kybernetika 52.4 (2016): 575-588. <http://eudml.org/doc/286794>.

abstract = {In this paper we consider D-optimal and highly D-efficient chemical balance weighing designs. The errors are assumed to be equally non-negatively correlated and to have equal variances. Some necessary and sufficient conditions under which a design is D*-optimal design (regular D-optimal design) are proved. It is also shown that in many cases D*-optimal design does not exist. In many of those cases the designs constructed by Masaro and Wong (2008) and some new designs are shown to be highly D-efficient. Theoretical results are accompanied by numerical search, suggesting D-optimality of designs under consideration.},
author = {Katulska, Krystyna, Smaga, Łukasz},
journal = {Kybernetika},
keywords = {correlation; D-efficiency; D-optimal chemical balance weighing design; Hadamard matrix; simulated annealing algorithm; tabu search; correlation; D-efficiency; D-optimal chemical balance weighing design; Hadamard matrix; simulated annealing algorithm; tabu search},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {575-588},
publisher = {Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR},
title = {D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/286794},
volume = {52},
year = {2016},

AU - Katulska, Krystyna
AU - Smaga, Łukasz
TI - D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations
JO - Kybernetika
PY - 2016
PB - Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR
VL - 52
IS - 4
SP - 575
EP - 588
AB - In this paper we consider D-optimal and highly D-efficient chemical balance weighing designs. The errors are assumed to be equally non-negatively correlated and to have equal variances. Some necessary and sufficient conditions under which a design is D*-optimal design (regular D-optimal design) are proved. It is also shown that in many cases D*-optimal design does not exist. In many of those cases the designs constructed by Masaro and Wong (2008) and some new designs are shown to be highly D-efficient. Theoretical results are accompanied by numerical search, suggesting D-optimality of designs under consideration.
LA - eng
KW - correlation; D-efficiency; D-optimal chemical balance weighing design; Hadamard matrix; simulated annealing algorithm; tabu search; correlation; D-efficiency; D-optimal chemical balance weighing design; Hadamard matrix; simulated annealing algorithm; tabu search
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/286794
ER -


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