Integrated electrooptic modulators and switches in $LiNbO_3$

Jiří Čtyroký; Rolf Göring; Jiří Janta; Wolfgang Karthe; Andreas Rasch; Mathias Rottschalk; Josef Schröfel

Kybernetika (1990)

  • Volume: 26, Issue: 3, page 171-190
  • ISSN: 0023-5954

How to cite


Čtyroký, Jiří, et al. "Integrated electrooptic modulators and switches in $LiNbO_3$." Kybernetika 26.3 (1990): 171-190. <>.

author = {Čtyroký, Jiří, Göring, Rolf, Janta, Jiří, Karthe, Wolfgang, Rasch, Andreas, Rottschalk, Mathias, Schröfel, Josef},
journal = {Kybernetika},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {171-190},
publisher = {Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR},
title = {Integrated electrooptic modulators and switches in $LiNbO_3$},
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JO - Kybernetika
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