Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case

Hocine Fellag

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics (2001)

  • Volume: 21, Issue: 2, page 89-97
  • ISSN: 1509-9423


The one sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an additive outlier is considered. In this paper, we present a formula to compute the size and the power of the test when an AO (additive outlier) occurs at a time k. A small sample case is considered only.

How to cite


Hocine Fellag. "Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case." Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 21.2 (2001): 89-97. <http://eudml.org/doc/287708>.

abstract = {The one sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an additive outlier is considered. In this paper, we present a formula to compute the size and the power of the test when an AO (additive outlier) occurs at a time k. A small sample case is considered only.},
author = {Hocine Fellag},
journal = {Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics},
keywords = {autoregressive; outlier; power; size; unit root; outliers; unit roots; autoregressive model},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {89-97},
title = {Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/287708},
volume = {21},
year = {2001},

AU - Hocine Fellag
TI - Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case
JO - Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics
PY - 2001
VL - 21
IS - 2
SP - 89
EP - 97
AB - The one sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an additive outlier is considered. In this paper, we present a formula to compute the size and the power of the test when an AO (additive outlier) occurs at a time k. A small sample case is considered only.
LA - eng
KW - autoregressive; outlier; power; size; unit root; outliers; unit roots; autoregressive model
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/287708
ER -


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