On Radicals of Semigroups

Juraj Bosák

Matematický časopis (1968)

  • Volume: 18, Issue: 3, page 204-212
  • ISSN: 0139-9918

How to cite


Bosák, Juraj. "On Radicals of Semigroups." Matematický časopis 18.3 (1968): 204-212. <http://eudml.org/doc/29623>.

author = {Bosák, Juraj},
journal = {Matematický časopis},
keywords = {generalized groups, semigroups},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {204-212},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {On Radicals of Semigroups},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/29623},
volume = {18},
year = {1968},

AU - Bosák, Juraj
TI - On Radicals of Semigroups
JO - Matematický časopis
PY - 1968
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 18
IS - 3
SP - 204
EP - 212
LA - eng
KW - generalized groups, semigroups
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/29623
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Robert Šulka, Note on the Ševrin radical in semigroups
  2. Tibor Šalát, Štefan Znám, Correction to our paper 'On the average order of an arithmetical function'
  3. Joseph E. Kuczkowski, On Radicals in a Certain Class of Semigroups
  4. Robert Šulka, On the Nilpotency in Semigroups
  5. Bedřich Pondělíček, A Note on Radicals of Semigroups
  6. Harbans Lal, Radicals in Quasi-Commutative Semigroups
  7. František Kmeť, On radicals of the semigroup of triangular matrices
  8. Robert Šulka, The Maximal Semilattice Decomposition of a Semigroup, Radicals and Nilpotency
  9. Harbans Lal, The Regular Ideal in a Semigroup
  10. František Kmeť, A note on equalities of radicals in a semigroup

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