Evaluation of the natural environment of the Forestry Rymanów in terms of tourist attractiveness

Piotr Skóra; Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik; Maciej Szpiech

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica (2010)

  • Volume: 1, page 40-48
  • ISSN: 2084-5456


A sudden increase in various tourism forms in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century brought development of natural environment evaluation methods for tourist purposes. Natural and cultural environment values and slight anthropogenic transformations of the Forestry Rymanów created tourists’ interest in this region. The paper presents the scope and ways of evaluating individual components of the natural environment in connection with historical and political changes. Evaluating criteria have been adapted to 9 individual categories (Kucina, 2004), and have been evaluated on a zero-five point scale. The final effect of this work was to calculate the index of tourist attractiveness (Wa) or correct tourism management. The value of the Wa index for the Forestry Rymanów is high –0,8076. This reflects very good ecosystem services to the well-being and health of the incoming people.

How to cite


Piotr Skóra, Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik, and Maciej Szpiech. "Waloryzacja środowiska geograficznego Nadleśnictwa Rymanów pod kątem atrakcyjności turystycznej." Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica 1 (2010): 40-48. <http://eudml.org/doc/296476>.

abstract = {A sudden increase in various tourism forms in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century brought development of natural environment evaluation methods for tourist purposes. Natural and cultural environment values and slight anthropogenic transformations of the Forestry Rymanów created tourists’ interest in this region. The paper presents the scope and ways of evaluating individual components of the natural environment in connection with historical and political changes. Evaluating criteria have been adapted to 9 individual categories (Kucina, 2004), and have been evaluated on a zero-five point scale. The final effect of this work was to calculate the index of tourist attractiveness (Wa) or correct tourism management. The value of the Wa index for the Forestry Rymanów is high –0,8076. This reflects very good ecosystem services to the well-being and health of the incoming people.},
author = {Piotr Skóra, Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik, Maciej Szpiech},
journal = {Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica},
keywords = {waloryzacja; czynnik atrakcyjności; leśnictwo; metoda punktu podziału na klasy; nadleśnictwo Rymanów; inwentaryzacja przyrody},
language = {pol},
pages = {40-48},
title = {Waloryzacja środowiska geograficznego Nadleśnictwa Rymanów pod kątem atrakcyjności turystycznej},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/296476},
volume = {1},
year = {2010},

AU - Piotr Skóra
AU - Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik
AU - Maciej Szpiech
TI - Waloryzacja środowiska geograficznego Nadleśnictwa Rymanów pod kątem atrakcyjności turystycznej
JO - Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
PY - 2010
VL - 1
SP - 40
EP - 48
AB - A sudden increase in various tourism forms in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century brought development of natural environment evaluation methods for tourist purposes. Natural and cultural environment values and slight anthropogenic transformations of the Forestry Rymanów created tourists’ interest in this region. The paper presents the scope and ways of evaluating individual components of the natural environment in connection with historical and political changes. Evaluating criteria have been adapted to 9 individual categories (Kucina, 2004), and have been evaluated on a zero-five point scale. The final effect of this work was to calculate the index of tourist attractiveness (Wa) or correct tourism management. The value of the Wa index for the Forestry Rymanów is high –0,8076. This reflects very good ecosystem services to the well-being and health of the incoming people.
LA - pol
KW - waloryzacja; czynnik atrakcyjności; leśnictwo; metoda punktu podziału na klasy; nadleśnictwo Rymanów; inwentaryzacja przyrody
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/296476
ER -


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