Real numbers in school mathematics

Irena Budínová

Učitel matematiky (2015)

  • Volume: 023, Issue: 2, page 105-120
  • ISSN: 1210-9037


The contribution deals with real numbers at the primary school. We consider concrete numbers - some roots, Number pi. Pupils can use these numbers in calculations as decimal numbers and do not realise that these are different kinds of numbers. We show a possibility of working with the numbers so that the functional thinking and limit thinking is developed.

How to cite


Budínová, Irena. "Reálná čísla ve školské matematice." Učitel matematiky 023.2 (2015): 105-120. <>.

author = {Budínová, Irena},
journal = {Učitel matematiky},
language = {cze},
number = {2},
pages = {105-120},
publisher = {Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků},
title = {Reálná čísla ve školské matematice},
url = {},
volume = {023},
year = {2015},

AU - Budínová, Irena
TI - Reálná čísla ve školské matematice
JO - Učitel matematiky
PY - 2015
PB - Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků
VL - 023
IS - 2
SP - 105
EP - 120
LA - cze
UR -
ER -


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