Sixty years of Professor Vlastimil Dlab
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1993)
- Volume: 43, Issue: 1, page 187-192
- ISSN: 0011-4642
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topHow to cite
topProcházka, Ladislav. "Sixty years of Professor Vlastimil Dlab." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 43.1 (1993): 187-192. <>.
author = {Procházka, Ladislav},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {Birthday},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {187-192},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Sixty years of Professor Vlastimil Dlab},
url = {},
volume = {43},
year = {1993},
AU - Procházka, Ladislav
TI - Sixty years of Professor Vlastimil Dlab
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1993
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 43
IS - 1
SP - 187
EP - 192
LA - eng
KW - Birthday
UR -
ER -
top- $D$-Rang einer abelschen Gruppe, Časopis Pěst. Mat. 82 (1957), 314–334, MR 19#1158. (Czech) (1957) Zbl0101.26403MR0092785
- Die Endomorphismenringe abelscher Gruppen und die Darstellung von Ringen durch Matrizenringe, Czechoslovak Math. J. 7/82 (1957), 485–523, MR 20#901. (1957) Zbl0093.02902MR0094383
- A note on the theory of divisible abelian groups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 8/83 (1958), 54–61, MR 20#1707. (Russian) (1958) Zbl0082.02603MR0095201
- Some relations among the generating systems of abelian groups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 9/84 (1959), 161–171, MR 22#67. (Russian) (1959) MR0109179
- 10.4064/cm-7-2-171-176, Colloq. Math. 7 (1960), 171–176, MR 22#2640. (1960) Zbl0104.02502MR0111779DOI10.4064/cm-7-2-171-176
- A note on a problem concerning the Frattini subgroups, Časopis Pěst. Mat. 85 (1960), 87–90, MR 22#5675. (Czech) (1960) MR0114857
- The Frattini subgroups of abelian groups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 10/85 (1960), 1–16, MR 22#5676. (1960) Zbl0093.02801MR0114858
- On cyclic groups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 10/85 (1960), 244–254, MR 22#8054. (1960) Zbl0166.28603MR0117272
- The Frattini subgroup of a direct product of groups (with V. Kořínek), Czechoslovak Math. J. 10/85 (1960), 350–358, MR 23#A217. (1960) MR0122885
- On a characterization of primary abelian groups of bounded order, J. London Math. Soc. 36 (1961), 139–144, MR 23#A929. (1961) Zbl0104.02601MR0123604
- A note on pseudocongruent matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 12/87 (1962), 104–109, MR 25#5076. (1962) Zbl0105.26203MR0141679
- On the dependence relation over abelian groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen 9 (1962), 75–80, MR 26#5056. (1962) MR0147541
- General algebraic dependence relations, Publ. Math. Debrecen 9 (1962), 324–355, MR 27#81. (1962) Zbl0119.01602MR0150078
- A generalization of dependence relations, Proceedings of the Colloq. on abelian groups, Tihany, 1963, 49–50, MR 29#5770. (1963, 49–50) MR0168508
- A note on powers of a group, Acta Sci. Math (Szeged) 25 (1964), 177–178, MR 30#1184. (1964) Zbl0136.37902MR0170950
- The role of the “finite character property” in the theory of dependence, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 6 (1965), 97–104, MR 30#4706. (1965) Zbl0163.01305MR0174505
- Axiomatic treatment of bases in arbitrary sets, Czechoslovak Math. J. 15/90 (1965), 554–564, MR 32#4060. (1965) Zbl0163.01304MR0186601
- 10.4064/cm-14-1-265-273, Colloq. Math. 14 (1966), 265–273, MR 32#1146. (1966) Zbl0136.26302MR0183666DOI10.4064/cm-14-1-265-273
- Dependence over modules, Czechoslovak Math. J. 16/91 (1966), 137–157, MR 32#7602. (1966) Zbl0139.26101MR0190188
- 10.1002/malq.19660120130, Z. Math. Logik Grundlagen Math. 12 (1966), 345–377, MR 35#5377. (1966) MR0214527DOI10.1002/malq.19660120130
- The concept of rank and some related questions in the theory of modules, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 8 (1967), 39–47, MR 35#1627. (1967) Zbl0154.03002MR0210741
- A remark to a paper of Gh. Pic, Czechoslovak Math. J. 17/92 (1967), 467–468, MR 36#6483. (1967) Zbl0189.31201MR0223435
- 10.1017/S1446788700006261, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 8 (1968), 591–608, MR 37#3978. (1968) Zbl0165.34502MR0228397DOI10.1017/S1446788700006261
- The structure of torsion-free rings, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 9 (1968), 41–46, MR 38#189. (1968) Zbl0169.05002MR0231861
- Distinguished submodules, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 8 (1968), 661-670, MR 37#4109. (1968) Zbl0169.05101MR0237559
- 10.2307/2315534, Amer. Math. Monthly 75 (1968), 973–976, MR 39#5621. (1968) Zbl0182.36802MR0244306DOI10.2307/2315534
- Distinguished sets of ideals of a ring, Czechoslovak Math. J. 18/93 (1968), 560–567, MR 38#5840. (1968) Zbl0164.34801MR0228529
- 10.4064/fm-64-3-313-324, Fund. Math. 64 (1969), 313–324, MR 40#178. (1969) Zbl0192.38001MR0246909DOI10.4064/fm-64-3-313-324
- Matrix representation of torsion-free rings, Czechoslovak Math. J. 19/94 (1969), 284–298, MR 39#6918. (1969) Zbl0182.36902MR0245612
- Universal algebra representation of regular $GA$-dependence structures, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 17 (1969), 203–206, MR 41#132. (1969) Zbl0181.31502MR0255470
- Semigroups with few endomorphisms (with B. H. Neumann), J. Austral. Math. Soc 10 (1969), 162–168, MR 39#7012. (1969) MR0245706
- Lattice representation of general algebraic dependence, Math. Systems Theory 4 (1969), 289–299, MR 40#5521. (1969) Zbl0199.32401MR0252300
- Remarks on V. P. Elizarov’s article “Two properties of associative rings”, Math. Zametki 6 (1969), 541–544, MR 41#1882. (Russian) (1969) Zbl0195.32503MR0257231
- 10.1017/S0004972700041666, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 2 (1970), 117–124, MR 41#3523. (1970) Zbl0179.06004MR0258878DOI10.1017/S0004972700041666
- 10.2140/pjm.1970.33.79, Pacific J. Math. 33 (1970), 79–88, MR 41#6907. (1970) Zbl0209.07201MR0262297DOI10.2140/pjm.1970.33.79
- 10.4153/CJM-1970-092-1, Can. J. Math. 22 (1970), 822–826, MR 41#8464. (1970) Zbl0209.07202MR0263865DOI10.4153/CJM-1970-092-1
- Lattice formulation of general algebraic dependence, Czechoslovak Math. J. 20/95 (1970), MR 42#2992. (1970) Zbl0247.06006MR0268093
- Matrix rings as injective hulls of torsion-free tidy rings, Math. Čas. Sloven. Akad. Vied 21 (1971), 7, Carleton Math. Series No. 64; MR 51#3221. (1971)
- 10.4064/fm-72-2-155-163, Fund. Math. 72 (1971), 155–163, MR 64#1838. (1971) Zbl0221.16016MR0302694DOI10.4064/fm-72-2-155-163
- Anneaux balances (with C. M. Ringel), C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 272 (1971), 1555–1558, MR 42#1695. (1971) MR0284469
- A class of balanced non-uniserial rings (with C. M. Ringel), Mat. Ann. 195 (1972), 279–297, MR 49#7319. (1972) MR0342573
- Rank of a module, Proceedings of Can. Math. Congress Meeting (1971), 55–76, MR 52#3240. (1971) Zbl0362.16014MR0382355
- Balanced rings (with C. M. Ringel), Lectures Notes in Math. No. 246, Springer-Verlag, 1972, pp. 73–143, MR 49#5099. (1972) MR0340344
- Rings with the double centralizer property (with C. M. Ringel), J. of Algebra 22 (1972), 480–501, MR 46#5384. (1972) MR0306258
- Balanced local rings with commutative residue field (with C. M. Ringel), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc 195 (1972), 279–391, MR 50#9964. (1972) MR0357496
- The structure of balanced rings (with C. M. Ringel), Proc. London Math. Soc. 26 (1973), 446–462, MR 47#3447. (1973) MR0314898
- Exceptional rings (with C. M. Ringel), Proceedings of Ring Theory Conference, Keszthely, Hungary, 1971, pp. 167–171, MR 51#12927. (1971) MR0376752
- Decomposition of modules over ring uniserial rings (with C. M. Ringel), Math. Z. 192 (1972), 207–230, MR 47#6774. (1972)
- Représentations indecomposables des algébres (with C. M. Ringel), C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 276 (1973), 1393–1396, MR 47#5054. (1973)
- Sur la conjecture de Brauer-Thrall (with C. M. Ringel), C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 276 (1973), 1441–1442, MR 48#338. (1973) MR0321973
- 10.1017/S1446788700013860, J. of Austral. Soc. 16 (1973), 7–13, MR 48#6171. (1973) MR0327829DOI10.1017/S1446788700013860
- Représentations des graphes valués (with C. M. Ringel), C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 278 (1974), 537–540, MR 50#9973. (1974) MR0357505
- On algebras of finite representation type (with C. M. Ringel), J. Algebra 33 (1975), 306–394, MR 50#9974. (1975) MR0357506
- Coxeter functors and representation theory, Sém. Alg. Univ. Paris (1974), 1707–1722, MR 53#537. (1974) MR0396675
- Filtered vector spaces, Séminaire P. Dubreil, Paris (1974/75), 501–506, MR 53#8150. (1974/75)
- Idemcomposable representations of graphs and algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. Providence 173 (1976), MR 52#8193 and MR 56#5657. (1976)
- 10.1016/0024-3795(77)90031-3, Linear Algebra and Appl. 17 (1977), 107–124, MR 57#12552. (1977) MR0472864DOI10.1016/0024-3795(77)90031-3
- The representations of tame hereditary algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Repr. theory of Algebras, Proc. of Philadelphia Conf. 1976, MR 58#11021, Marcel Dekker, 1978, pp. 329–353. (1978) MR0491824
- Real subspaces of a quaternion vector space (with C. M. Ringel), Can. J. Math. 30 (1978), 1228–1242, MR 80a:15033. (1978) MR0511559
- On classification of torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, Symposia Math. Ist. Nat. Alta Mat., Rome 23 (1979), 181–188, MR 81g:20102. (1979) Zbl0427.20046MR0565605
- A module thoeretical interpretation of properties of the root systems (with C. M. Ringel), Ring Theory, Proc. of Antwerp Conf. 1978, Marcel Dekker 51 (1979), 435–451, MR 82d:16025. (1979) MR0563306
- The preprojective algebra of a modulated graph (with C. M. Ringel), Repr. Theory of Algebras, MR 83c:16022, Proc. of Ottawa Conf., 1979, pp. 801–816. (1979)
- 10.1016/0024-3795(80)90186-X, Linear Algebra and Appl. 30 (1980), 109–114, MR 82f:15007. (1980) MR0568783DOI10.1016/0024-3795(80)90186-X
- Structure des treillis lineaires libres, Séminaire d’Algébre P. Dubreil et M.-P. Malliavin, Paris 1979, Springer Lecture Notes 795, 10–34, MR 81m:06019.
- Perfect elements in the free modular lattices (with C. M. Ringel), Math. Ann. 247 (1980), 95–100, MR 82k:06009. (1980) MR0568199
- Eigenvalue of Coxeter transformatins and the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of the preprojective algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1981), 228–232, MR 83c:15007. (1981) MR0624903
- The regular representations of the tame hereditary algebras, Sémianire d’Algébre P. Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin, Paris 1982, Springer Lecture Notes 1029, 120–133, MR 85j:16040. MR0732473
- A class of bounded hereditary noetherian domains (with C. M. Ringel), J. Algebra 92 (1985), 311-321, MR 86h:16021. (1985) MR0778451
- On modular representations of $A_4$ (with C. M. Ringel), J. of Algebra 123 (1989), 506–522. (1989)
- Quasi-hereditary algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Illinois J. Math. 33 (1989), 280–291. (1989) MR0987824
- A construction for quasi-hereditary algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Comp. Math. 70 (1989), 155–175. (1989) MR0996325
- Auslander algebras as quasi-hereditary algebras (with C. M. Ringel), J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1989), 457–466. (1989) MR1002457
- Every semiprimary ring is the endomorphism ring of a projective module over a quasi-hereditary ring (with C. M. Ringel), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 107 (1989), 1–5, MR 89m:16033. (1989) MR0943793
- The dimension of a quasi-hereditary algebra (with C. M. Ringel), Banach Centre publ., Warsaw 26 (1990), 263–271. (1990) MR1171236
- 10.1017/S0004972700004299, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 40 (1989), 189–197. (1989) MR1012827DOI10.1017/S0004972700004299
- Filtrations of right ideals related to projectivity of left ideals (with C. M. Ringel), Séminaire d’Algébre, Paris 1989, Springer Lecture Notes 1404, pp. 95–107. MR1035221
- The index of a tower of semi-simple algebras (with C. M. Ringel), C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 12 (1990), 171–175. (1990) MR1077484
- The Hochschild cocycle of a long exact sequence (with C. M. Ringel), Tsukuba J. Math. 14 (1990), 489–496. (1990) MR1085213
- Canonical forms of pairs of complex matrices (with C. M. Ringel), Linear Algebra and Appl. 147 (1991), 387–410. (1991) MR1088670
- 10.1080/00927879108824147, Comm. in Algebra 19 (1991), 433–442. (1991) DOI10.1080/00927879108824147
- 10.1016/0022-1236(91)90134-Q, Funct. Analysis 102 (1991), 35–46. (1991) MR1138836DOI10.1016/0022-1236(91)90134-Q
- Pairs of semi-simple algebras, Representation of Algebras, London Math. Soc. Series 168, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 185–199. (1992) Zbl0766.16008
- The module theoretical approach to quasi-hereditary algebras (with C. M. Ringel), Representation of Algebras, London Math. Soc. Notes Series 168, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 200–224. (1992) MR1211481
- Representations of valued graphs, ISBN 2-7606-0503; MR 82k:16037, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1980, pp. 199. (1980) Zbl0478.16026MR0586769
- An introduction to diagrammatical methods in representation theory, MR 83d:16030, Universität Essen Lecture Notes, 1981, pp. 203. (1981) Zbl0475.16013MR0644142
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