Probability of connectedness of a random subgraph of an n -dimensional cube

Eduard Toman

Mathematica Slovaca (1980)

  • Volume: 30, Issue: 3, page 251-265
  • ISSN: 0139-9918

How to cite


Toman, Eduard. "О вероятности связности случайного подграфа n-мерного куба." Mathematica Slovaca 30.3 (1980): 251-265. <>.

author = {Toman, Eduard},
journal = {Mathematica Slovaca},
keywords = {random graph; connectedness},
language = {rus},
number = {3},
pages = {251-265},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {О вероятности связности случайного подграфа n-мерного куба},
url = {},
volume = {30},
year = {1980},

AU - Toman, Eduard
TI - О вероятности связности случайного подграфа n-мерного куба
JO - Mathematica Slovaca
PY - 1980
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 30
IS - 3
SP - 251
EP - 265
LA - rus
KW - random graph; connectedness
UR -
ER -


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