Compact Jacobi matrices : from Stieltjes to Krein and M ( a , b )

Walter Van Assche

Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques (1996)

  • Volume: S5, page 195-215
  • ISSN: 0240-2963

How to cite


Van Assche, Walter. "Compact Jacobi matrices : from Stieltjes to Krein and $M(a, b)$." Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques S5 (1996): 195-215. <>.

author = {Van Assche, Walter},
journal = {Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques},
keywords = {compact Jacobi matrices; orthogonal polynomials; compact perturbations; spectral theory; JFM 26.0326.01; continued fraction; Lommel polynomials; three-term recurrence relation},
language = {eng},
pages = {195-215},
publisher = {Université Paul Sabatier, Institut de Mathématiques},
title = {Compact Jacobi matrices : from Stieltjes to Krein and $M(a, b)$},
url = {},
volume = {S5},
year = {1996},

AU - Van Assche, Walter
TI - Compact Jacobi matrices : from Stieltjes to Krein and $M(a, b)$
JO - Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
PY - 1996
PB - Université Paul Sabatier, Institut de Mathématiques
VL - S5
SP - 195
EP - 215
LA - eng
KW - compact Jacobi matrices; orthogonal polynomials; compact perturbations; spectral theory; JFM 26.0326.01; continued fraction; Lommel polynomials; three-term recurrence relation
UR -
ER -


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