Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid system of elasticity by the HUM method

Bopeng Rao

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (2001)

  • Volume: 6, page 183-199
  • ISSN: 1292-8119


We consider the exact controllability of a hybrid system consisting of an elastic beam, clamped at one end and attached at the other end to a rigid antenna. Such a system is governed by one partial differential equation and two ordinary differential equations. Using the HUM method, we prove that the hybrid system is exactly controllable in an arbitrarily short time in the usual energy space.

How to cite


Rao, Bopeng. "Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid system of elasticity by the HUM method." ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 6 (2001): 183-199. <http://eudml.org/doc/90588>.

abstract = {We consider the exact controllability of a hybrid system consisting of an elastic beam, clamped at one end and attached at the other end to a rigid antenna. Such a system is governed by one partial differential equation and two ordinary differential equations. Using the HUM method, we prove that the hybrid system is exactly controllable in an arbitrarily short time in the usual energy space.},
author = {Rao, Bopeng},
journal = {ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations},
keywords = {hybrid system; weak solution; exact controllability; singular control; unique continuation; exact boundary controllability; elastic beam; coupled system},
language = {eng},
pages = {183-199},
publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
title = {Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid system of elasticity by the HUM method},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/90588},
volume = {6},
year = {2001},

AU - Rao, Bopeng
TI - Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid system of elasticity by the HUM method
JO - ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
PY - 2001
PB - EDP-Sciences
VL - 6
SP - 183
EP - 199
AB - We consider the exact controllability of a hybrid system consisting of an elastic beam, clamped at one end and attached at the other end to a rigid antenna. Such a system is governed by one partial differential equation and two ordinary differential equations. Using the HUM method, we prove that the hybrid system is exactly controllable in an arbitrarily short time in the usual energy space.
LA - eng
KW - hybrid system; weak solution; exact controllability; singular control; unique continuation; exact boundary controllability; elastic beam; coupled system
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/90588
ER -


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