Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics

P. Katis; Nicoletta Sabadini; Robert F.C. Walters

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (2010)

  • Volume: 36, Issue: 2, page 181-194
  • ISSN: 0988-3754


We introduce a notion of category with feedback-with-delay, closely related to the notion of traced monoidal category, and show that the Circ construction of [15] is the free category with feedback on a symmetric monoidal category. Combining with the Int construction of Joyal et al. [12] we obtain a description of the free compact closed category on a symmetric monoidal category. We thus obtain a categorical analogue of the classical localization of a ring with respect to a multiplicative subset. In this context we define a notion of fixed-point semantics of a category with feedback which is seen to include a variety of classical semantics in computer science.

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Katis, P., Sabadini, Nicoletta, and Walters, Robert F.C.. "Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics." RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 36.2 (2010): 181-194. <>.

abstract = { We introduce a notion of category with feedback-with-delay, closely related to the notion of traced monoidal category, and show that the Circ construction of [15] is the free category with feedback on a symmetric monoidal category. Combining with the Int construction of Joyal et al. [12] we obtain a description of the free compact closed category on a symmetric monoidal category. We thus obtain a categorical analogue of the classical localization of a ring with respect to a multiplicative subset. In this context we define a notion of fixed-point semantics of a category with feedback which is seen to include a variety of classical semantics in computer science. },
author = {Katis, P., Sabadini, Nicoletta, Walters, Robert F.C.},
journal = {RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications},
keywords = {category with feedback-with-delay; traced monoidal category},
language = {eng},
month = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {181-194},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics},
url = {},
volume = {36},
year = {2010},

AU - Katis, P.
AU - Sabadini, Nicoletta
AU - Walters, Robert F.C.
TI - Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics
JO - RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
DA - 2010/3//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 36
IS - 2
SP - 181
EP - 194
AB - We introduce a notion of category with feedback-with-delay, closely related to the notion of traced monoidal category, and show that the Circ construction of [15] is the free category with feedback on a symmetric monoidal category. Combining with the Int construction of Joyal et al. [12] we obtain a description of the free compact closed category on a symmetric monoidal category. We thus obtain a categorical analogue of the classical localization of a ring with respect to a multiplicative subset. In this context we define a notion of fixed-point semantics of a category with feedback which is seen to include a variety of classical semantics in computer science.
LA - eng
KW - category with feedback-with-delay; traced monoidal category
UR -
ER -


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