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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Quantitative properties of quadratic spline wavelet bases in higher dimensions

Černá, DanaFiněk, VáclavŠimůnková, Martina — 2015

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

To use wavelets efficiently to solve numerically partial differential equations in higher dimensions, it is necessary to have at one’s disposal suitable wavelet bases. Ideal wavelets should have short supports and vanishing moments, be smooth and known in closed form, and a corresponding wavelet basis should be well-conditioned. In our contribution, we compare condition numbers of different quadratic spline wavelet bases in dimensions d = 1, 2 and 3 on tensor product domains (0,1)^d.

A quadratic spline-wavelet basis on the interval

Černá, DanaFiněk, VáclavŠimůnková, Martina — 2013

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In signal and image processing as well as in numerical solution of differential equations, wavelets with short support and with vanishing moments are important because they have good approximation properties and enable fast algorithms. A B-spline of order m is a spline function that has minimal support among all compactly supported refinable functions with respect to a given smoothness. And recently, B. Han and Z. Shen constructed Riesz wavelet bases of L 2 ( ) with m vanishing moments based on B-spline...

On Kelvin type transformation for Weinstein operator

Martina Šimůnková — 2001

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The note develops results from [5] where an invariance under the Möbius transform mapping the upper halfplane onto itself of the Weinstein operator W k : = Δ + k x n x n on n is proved. In this note there is shown that in the cases k 0 , k 2 no other transforms of this kind exist and for case k = 2 , all such transforms are described.

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