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Intersections of essential minimal prime ideals

A. Taherifar — 2014

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let 𝒵 ( ) be the set of zero divisor elements of a commutative ring R with identity and be the space of minimal prime ideals of R with Zariski topology. An ideal I of R is called strongly dense ideal or briefly s d -ideal if I 𝒵 ( ) and I is contained in no minimal prime ideal. We denote by R K ( ) , the set of all a R for which D ( a ) ¯ = V ( a ) ¯ is compact. We show that R has property ( A ) and is compact if and only if R has no s d -ideal. It is proved that R K ( ) is an essential ideal (resp., s d -ideal) if and only if is an almost locally compact...

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